3 Symptoms of HPV Infection in Infants and Children


Medical Video: Snapshot of HPV

Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is better known to the public as a cause of cervical cancer and genital warts, whereas in addition, even young children or infants can contract HPV infection. What causes a small child to be infected with the HPV virus? And what are the symptoms?

The cause of a small child is HPV infection

Small children can contract HPV through several things. One of the most influencing HPV transmission in children, which is transmitted by the mother through the process of childbirth.

Transmission of HPV infection that occurs between your mother and baby generally does not happen very often. Because the baby's immune system can eradicate any viral infections. However, still, if the mother has HPV infection, the baby can be at risk of being exposed to vaginal delivery. The doctor will usually do a series of tests on the newborn to find out whether the HPV virus is affected or not.

Symptoms of HPV infection in children

1. Warts

Symptoms of HPV infection in children is usually accompanied by the appearance of warts on the body. Warts can grow in any part of the body, including the genitals and parts of the groin. Genital warts that arise in children, generally due to sexual abuse.

Warts that are a symptom of a child's HPV infection, usually appear like lesions, cauliflower-like lumps, and form like prominent flesh. In girls, genital warts rarely appear in the vaginal vulva, but can appear near the anus, on the cervix, or on the vaginal surface.

Whereas in young boys, warts can appear on the penis, testicles, or around the anus. This wart due to HPV infection can cause discomfort, pain, and itching in affected parts of the body.

2. Red eye or conjunctivitis

In addition to warts, young children or babies who have symptoms of HPV infection can also experience red eye due to conjunctivitis. This is also known as ophthalmia neonatorum in infants. The characteristic is the color of the eyes that are red and infection in the lining of your baby's eyelids.

In newborns, this condition can cause swollen eyelids that are runny, bleeding, or thickened. This can occur one to two weeks after birth. This condition if not treated immediately can cause eye damage and blindness. You should see a doctor if your baby shows signs of conjunctivitis.

3. Problems in the respiratory tract of a baby or child

Laryngeal papilloma is a symptom of HPV infection in children. which causes the formation of warts in the throat and in the child's vocal cords. Although very rare, this condition can limit breathing and potentially life-threatening newborns.

Treatment for laryngeal papilloma should use laser surgery regularly to remove warts that can trigger respiratory problems.

Laryngeal papiloma can generally be detected from birth, warts on the larynx can also develop for up to five years after your baby is born. Thus, it is important that you take your baby to the doctor if he has respiratory problems for the first few years of his life.

Perform prevention of infection with the HPV vaccine

By vaccinating HPV, this can prevent cervical cancer, venereal disease, or even other HPV infections. Doing the HPV vaccine is most ideally given to those who have not been sexually active.

For adults who plan to get pregnant and have offspring, the HPV vaccine is one of the important things to prevent your baby from contracting HPV infection through labor. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that all children and adults aged 13-26 years need to receive the HPV vaccine.

It is also important for you to always have safe sex. Use condoms in the right way (don't double or don't use them repeatedly) and avoid changing sexual partners.

3 Symptoms of HPV Infection in Infants and Children
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