Can Bald Hair Because Alopecia Regrow?


Medical Video: Receding Hairlines and Baldness : How to Stimulate Hair Growth Naturally

Baldness due to alopecia can be experienced by anyone, even children. So, can you grow bald hair after alopecia?

Alopecia is of three types

Alopecia is an autoimmune condition that causes severe hair loss and long baldness. This baldness is caused by the immune system that mistakenly considers hair follicles as dangerous foreign objects. Hair follicles are structures behind the scalp that contain hair roots.

It is not yet known why the immune system attacks hair follicles, but can be influenced by genetics; disorders of the thyroid gland that cause hormonal imbalances, to the side effects of certain drugs.

There are three types of alopecia, namely:

  • Alopecia areata, bald hair only at certain points on the head.
  • Alopecia totalis, bald bald hair because of even hair loss on all scalp.
  • Alopecia universalis, losing all hair in the body

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the most common case is alopecia areata.

Growing bald hair due to alopecia, is it possible?

You can just grow bald hair due to alopecia, even those who experience total and universal alopecia. However, the success rate and how fast the hair grows back can be different for each person because it is influenced by many things. For example, age and how well your immune system works responds to hair loss. Hair can begin to grow without even being given medication, but then the hair will also fall back.

The length of time you have alopecia also plays a role. Allegedly, the longer a person has alopecia, the less likely the hair will grow back. How wide the "land" of hair that is bald can affect its success. The wider the area of ​​baldness, the smaller the chance for hair to grow back.

Most people usually go through several phases of baldness before they finally grow back. It takes years for the hair to grow back, but there are also those whose hair doesn't grow anymore at all.

Medicines prescribed in alopecia patients to stimulate hair growth

There is no one panacea that is known to cure alopecia or stop hair loss because of it. However, doctors can combine several different types of drugs to stimulate faster hair growth.

The following are some drugs commonly given to people who have alopecia:

  • Corticosteroids (topical, drinking pills or injections), the injection version can grow bald hair within 4 weeks
  • Minoxidil 5% can grow bald hair in about 3 months; can be for adults and children.
  • Anthralin, topical medicine.
  • DPCP (Diphencyprone), a topical drug that can grow bald hair in about 3 months

What needs to be understood is that each drug can have a different effect on everyone. So, consult with your doctor first to find out which is most appropriate for your condition.

Can Bald Hair Because Alopecia Regrow?
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