Bromance (Male Friendship) Is Not Lose Solid With Women's Friendship


Medical Video: Bromance (Official Music Video)

Lately, you may often hear the termbromance in popular culture. Actually this term is used to describe strong friendship between men. Yes, men can also have solid and solid friendships such as women's friendship. Want to know more clearly about male friendship? Read on the information below.

What is that bromance?

Bromance derived from the word brooch (male friend or brother) and word romance (intimate). So, actually the termbromancemeans intimate male brotherhood. Don't get me wrong, intimate here is not interpreted in the context of sex and romance, you know. Mesra means that the relationship is very close and familiar, for example like a brother and sister who get along well.

Men who havebromance feel mutual, want to tell stories and be open to each other, and support each other Beyond that, usually male friendships that are so solid are shown with characteristics such as often spending time together until when you are alone, people will ask where your male friends are.

You and your male friends may also chat often - both directly and throughchat–about various things. From insignificant things like sharing silly jokes, talking about soccer matches last night, to personal matters like family problems or romance.

Bromance that's normal, how come!

Actually male friendship is commonplace and has been around for centuries. Even since prehistoric times when men allied and worked together to hunt. It's just the termbromance recently known.

So commonplace, many men feel more comfortable to share and ventwith male friends rather than with their own partners. Research in the Men and Masculinities journal in 2014 found that at least one man had a male friend who was always used as a place to tell or share about all aspects of his life. A total of 28 out of 30 men admitted they preferred to talk about personal problems with their friends, not their partners.

This is like many women who may feel more comfortable sharing with their female friends, not their partners. There is nothing to worry about. Everything returns to each other again.

Why do men sometimes attach more importance to their male friends than their partners?

Male friendship can maintain men's mental health and social welfare. This is because with the friendship of men, they have the space to process and vent their emotions in a healthy manner. Because, in patriarchal culture, men are often required to have a mental steel or not to look "weak" in front of other people, especially in front of women.That's why men may feel more comfortable opening up to their male friends, not their own partners.

In fact, a recent study in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology reveals that male friendship can release the hormone oxytocin, a hormone that plays a role in forming bonds with others while making you feel better psychologically.

Remember, that does not mean that the female partner cannot meet their needs emotionally or physically. It's just that men also need the perspective of their fellow men. They also need quality time together, like women's quality time with their friends.

Therefore, not only women can have a friendship circle that is so solid and compact. Men also have strong friendships, although not always clearly visible.

Bromance (Male Friendship) Is Not Lose Solid With Women's Friendship
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