Can the Keto Diet Help Sleep Well?


Medical Video: Ketosis and Energy: Do Low Carb Diets Affect Sleep: Thomas DeLauer

Keto diet is a type of diet that is high in fat and low in carbohydrates and protein. This diet is increasingly popular, although it still reaps a lot of pros and cons about this diet. The diet that is predicted as a diet that is effective in losing weight quickly has many side effects that must be felt by its users. In addition, it turns out the keto diet affects a person's sleep quality. Is it true? Check out the review below.

What is a sleep disorder?

Sleep disorders can occur when someone has trouble sleeping (insomnia) or will stay awake at the time that should be spent on rest. Many factors can cause difficulties in sleep. From stress conditions, smoking habits, caffeine consumption, and alcohol consumption.

Lately, eating patterns are also known to affect a person's sleep quality. One of the diets studied by experts is the ketogenic diet, aka the keto diet.

How does the keto diet affect sleep?

This rising diet has several side effects. One of them is suspected sleep disorder. This diet has a principle of low carbohydrate and protein intake, but very high fat content.

Carbohydrates are known as foods that have a sedative effect. Carbohydrates provide a constant supply of glucose for the body. Carbohydrates also help the production of tryptophan in the brain.

This tryptophan comes from protein-rich foods. Without the presence of carbohydrates, the process of digestion and processing of tryptophan will be disrupted.

Next the brain will convert tryptophan to serotonin, a neurotransmitter (brain chemical) that will make the brain calm, sleepy, and finally sleep. If serotonin levels are too low, the person can experience sleep disorders.

Well, in people who are on a keto diet, the amount of carbohydrates is very little. The use of tryptophan in the body will be limited so that the process that should occur does not work as mentioned above. That's why limiting the amount of carbohydrates in the keto diet is thought to have an impact on sleep disorders.

Research shows the keto diet affects sleep quality

Although it is thought to affect sleep disorders, there are studies that show that this type of diet is actually able to improve sleep quality. So which one is right? Keto diet makes you sleep well or not?

A study in the journal Nutritional Neuroscience in 2008 showed that a low carbohydrate diet, especially in people who are on a keto diet, can provide better quality sleep than other groups.

This research was conducted in a short period of time by 14 respondents. As a result, people who do the keto diet have a percentage of SWS (slow wave sleep), which is a deeper sleep wave, and a REM phase decrease (rapid eye movement) or sleep dreaming. According to experts, good sleep is if deeper SWS and REM get smaller.

help sleep

So this diet can help you sleep well or not?

Until now, the relationship between the keto diet and the quality of one's sleep has not been confirmed. Apart from being limited and limited in research, there are many other factors that affect the quality of your sleep. Therefore, before trying this diet to overcome sleep problems, you should first consult with your doctor about why you have trouble sleeping.

Your doctor may prescribe medication and recommend lifestyle changes to deal with sleep disorders.

How to reduce the side effects of the keto diet

For those of you who want to keep on this diet, you should not rush with the lure of losing weight fast. Make changes little by little so that your body can adapt well so that the side effects are minimal.

Here are the things you must remember to minimize the side effects of the keto diet:

  • Drink lots of water, make sure to consume two liters of water per day.
  • Make sure the needs of vitamins and minerals are always fulfilled.
  • Avoid excessive exercise when carrying out this diet.
  • Reduce carbohydrates gradually, don't get drastic right away. Even though it will take a long time, this method is safer for your body.
  • Keep consuming enough fiber from vegetables and fruit.
Can the Keto Diet Help Sleep Well?
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