Can Hypertension Be Cured?


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While consulting a doctor, many of the patients who reported that they had never experienced episodes of recurrent hypertension and their blood pressure had declined since routine treatment. Many also ask, can hypertension be cured?

Blood pressure drops does not mean hypertension can heal

High blood pressure or hypertension is a permanent condition where continuous blood pressure is high or more than 140/90 mmHg. You cannot feel hypertension. Many patients don't even know they have high blood pressure. Hypertension can appear without physical symptoms, which secretly damage blood vessels and cause serious health threats.

This is because hypertension is not a separate disease, but a syndrome or a collection of symptoms of disease in the body. Hypertension can be caused by other diseases, such as heart disease or kidney disease. If your high blood pressure is caused by another underlying disease, hypertension can be cured by treating the root cause - if the underlying disease is indeed possible to be cured.

However, most cases of high blood pressure (around 85% to 90%) in the world are classified as essential or primary hypertension. In most cases, the condition of primary hypertension suffered by most people is influenced by heredity (genetic) or unhealthy lifestyle / environment. For some cases, the cause of primary hypertension cannot be determined. This type of hypertension cannot be cured, it can only be controlled. Thus, if blood pressure drops, it does not mean you are fully cured of hypertension. "They still have the potential for diseases caused by hypertension if not [symptoms] are not managed and blood pressure rises again," said Prof. Suhardjono, quoted from the page PD PERSI.

So to answer the question "can hypertension be cured?", No. Hypertension or high blood pressure cannot be cured, but can be managed. Uncontrolled hypertension can actually cause an increased risk of heart disease, kidney failure, and stroke or even death. So it is not surprising that the management and treatment of hypertension is handled by many experts from various specialists, including the heart, kidneys, and nerves.

How do you control hypertension?

Hypertension does not have a cure. But you can improve blood pressure by taking medication, although management of hypertension usually runs for life; that is, you don't just get a single dose recipe to overcome it, but rather a rolling recipe where the administration of the drug and the number of doses of the drug will be adjusted to your development / needs over time.

On the other hand, symptoms of hypertension do not always have to be treated with medical drugs. Besides consuming drugs, positive lifestyle changes, such as a balanced diet and low salt, exercise, not smoking and not drinking alcohol, and weight management can help reduce blood pressure a lot - also reduce your risk of complications from other diseases due to hypertension , such as heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure.

Still from the media release uploaded on the PD PERSI website, it was said that a drop in blood pressure of up to 2 mmHg could reduce the risk of 7 percent of deaths from a heart attack and a 10% risk of death from a stroke. A healthy lifestyle change can also help you prevent an increase in blood pressure.

Are there natural remedies that make hypertension heal?

Not. Managing blood pressure is a lifelong commitment. And even if blood pressure has dropped, it does not mean you recover from hypertension and its possible complications.

Natural treatments such as breathing in the stomach, muscle relaxation, and others can help relieve stress that may appear as a side effect of hypertension. And emotional stress affects your blood pressure. So learning to relax is important in managing your blood pressure.

Food or herbal supplements also cannot cure hypertension. Some natural supplements can trigger dangerous interactions with your hypertension medication. Others have been shown to help increase your blood pressure. So, always consult with your doctor before taking any supplements. Do not easily believe the adverts for hypertensive healing drugs that are widely circulating in the market. An original drug that properly makes hypertension heal certainly has been successfully tested repeatedly in clear clinical trials.

The best way to find out if your blood pressure is in a healthy or unhealthy range is to routinely undergo routine blood pressure measurements. If high blood pressure is diagnosed, regular monitoring can help ensure that you have high blood pressure, detect the pattern, and at the same time warn you of any changes that might arise. This will also show if the changes you have made are working effectively.

Can Hypertension Be Cured?
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