Chewing Gum Apparently Useful for the Brain, As long as It Is Not Consumed Excessively


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For some people, chewing gum must be available in the bag. The sensation of chewing gum is indeed unique. Especially nowadays gum is available in various interesting flavors. Well, did you know that it turns out the gum that many people like is beneficial to the brain? Yuk, learn more about the benefits of gum for the brain below.

How do you make gum?

To make gum, a few steps are needed. First, the ingredients will be collected first from the sadila tree. After being processed and thawed, the ingredients will be flavored or sweetened. Then it will be inserted into the machine and will produce a thick ribbon that has a rubbery texture. The thick bands will then be pressed into thin layers and then cooled, cut, then arranged in attractive packages.

What are the benefits of gum for brain function?

When you do chewing movements, it turns out that there are some parts of the brain that become active. These parts include the cerebellum, cerebrum, motor cortex, caudate, cingulate, and others. In addition, when eating gum, the sugar content in gum can increase blood flow to the brain tissue. This increase can activate the frontotemporal parts of the cortex and cerebellum.

The cerebellum, known as the cerebellum, functions to regulate body balance coordination. While the frontal lobe serves to plan, think logically, and solve problems. The temporal lobe is divided into two, for the left lobe to function for verbal memory, such as remembering names. While for the right lobe serves for visual memories such as the ability to remember faces and images. This certainly can improve the work of the brain and make your cognitive abilities increase.

In addition, it turns out consuming sugar-free gum can also improve memory, both short-term memory and long-term memory. Experts suspect that this is because when chewing, brain activity in the part of the hippocampal brain increases. Well, this part of the brain is responsible for carrying out memory functions.

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Are there other gum benefits?

Chewing gum also has other benefits for the brain and mental health, which can reduce feelings of stress and pressure on someone. Chewing gum is considered as one of the methods of relaxation. Chewing gum can actually reduce the feeling of boredom and feeling depressed experienced by someone. Based on research conducted by Paul Smith, it was found that those who consumed gum will experience mood which is better than people who don't eat gum.

In addition, it turns out that there are still benefits of gum which unfortunately is missed, especially for people who often stay up late. Chewing gum can help you stay awake and alert, especially if you consume a type of gum containing caffeine. Even though you can't completely get rid of sleepiness, of course chewing gum can make you fresher.

Although useful, it does not mean that gum can be consumed as much as possible

The sugar content in gum can cause caries to appear on your teeth. Caries will form due to bacteria that attach to your dental plaque, accompanied by fermentation from glucose by bacteria. This can cause demineralization of your teeth and eventually damage your teeth.

Plaques that appear on your teeth are formed through a complicated process. The attachment of bacteria to dental plaques can worsen your dental health. Therefore, you should not eat gum too often. If you really like chewing gum, don't forget to always take care of your oral and dental health and regularly check with the dentist.

Chewing Gum Apparently Useful for the Brain, As long as It Is Not Consumed Excessively
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