Difficulty Focusing at the Office? Try the 10 Minute Meditation to Clear Your Mind


Medical Video: Breathing Meditation | UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center

If you have difficulty focusing on work because you are being pursued a lot deadline, consider taking a moment to a rather quiet place to meditate. Yes. Besides being useful for relieving stress, meditation can also be a powerful way to restore your focus. Curious about how to meditate in the office so that work can be more productive? Find out here!

Meditation can increase focus and concentration

A study published in the Brain Research Bulletin journal states that mindfulness meditation (mindfullness meditation) can increase the brain's focus to solve problems and pay attention to details. The findings were reported after the research team asked participants to meditate by breathing deeply for two full months.

When the researchers scanned the brain activity of each participant, the participants in this group showed an increase in selective focus characterized by thickening of the brain's prefrontal cortex. This part of the brain is an area that is involved in a complex process of reasoning, decision making, and alertness.

While other studies published in Springer 's Journal of Cognitive Enhancement also show similar things. Intense and continuous meditation can make someone's attention or focus sharpen when working on things that need high levels of concentration.

How to meditate to improve focus in the office

No need to meditate for long to get the benefits. Start with a mild meditation session for at least 5 to 10 minutes. Here's how:

  • Find a place that supports. Choose a place that is quiet and has minimal disruption so it doesn't make your focus split. Also use comfortable clothes so you are more relaxed and relaxed when doing it. If you are in the office, loosen your work clothes so that it doesn't feel oppressive.
  • Find a comfortable position. Relax your body and relax your shoulders. You can sit cross-legged, then place your left hand on your right hand. Or, look for other positions that you feel are more comfortable. Most importantly, you can feel relaxed without falling asleep.
  • Clear your mind and focus on 1 thing maybe the sound (by listening to instrumental music), smell (inhaling aromatherapy), visual images (looking at scenery or green-green), or even your own breathing pattern. You don't need to think about anything, but let your body feel that happened at that moment. Immerse and feel the energy present around you.
  • Calm your inner voice. If you are meditating in the depths of your heart, feeling worried about the future, career, soul mate, family and so on, immediately turn your attention back to the focus of your chosen target. Feel the sensation again and let your mind remain calm and clear.
  • Don't worry about failure.If your mind disturbs you so that you can't feel the target is fully focused, don't fight it. Start again from the beginning and set your breath slowly. Free your mind and let your body enjoy the sensations offered by your target focus again.

In general, do meditation until you feel more calm and relaxed.

If you insistent to practice perfect meditation, this will only make you more stressful. Remember to get perfect results, you need to need a long time and process. Basically the more you practice, the more benefits you will experience.

Difficulty Focusing at the Office? Try the 10 Minute Meditation to Clear Your Mind
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