Do Adults Still Need to Bask in the Morning Sun?



Vitamin D is one of the vitamins that is needed by the body to maintain bone health. The benefits of vitamin D can not only be obtained from food or supplements that require you to spend some money. Because, you can get the benefits of vitamin D for free just by basking in the morning sun.

Sunbathing habits are identical for babies, toddlers, and children. But what about adults? Do you still need sunbathing to get natural vitamin D?

Do adults still need vitamin D from sunlight?

Too much sun exposure is harmful to the body because it can cause skin cancer. However, studies published in the Journal of the European Menopause and Andropause Society found that sunlight provides a number of benefits to adult health, especially in the elderly (elderly).

When exposed to the sun, the body will produce vitamin D. Now, vitamin D is what can reduce the risk of hip fracture, lower blood pressure, and blood vessel disorders such as strokes or heart attacks in adults.

Adults who are rarely exposed to the sun usually spend more time indoors. In addition, it can also be caused by older adults who tend not to be able to produce vitamin D efficiently because of the decrease in skin structure.Although adults still need vitamin D from the sun, it is not recommended to sunbathe for hours in the sun too often. So, you can try it for several days a week gradually.

What is the amount of vitamin D needed by adults?

Reporting from WebMD, adults need vitamin D as much as 600 IU (15 mcg) until age 69 and increase to 800 IU (20 mcg) per day from the age of 70 years and over. You also cannot depend on sunlight alone to get enough vitamin D. For this reason, you can meet your daily needs by consuming a number of healthy foods rich in vitamin D such as salmon, tuna, sardines, red meat, milk and eggs.

It is not known exactly how long it takes to sunbathe in that sunlight to get enough vitamin D. This depends on the area where you live and the type of skin you have. Sat least by spending around 15-20 minutes sunbathing every day is enough. However, for people with dark skin need to bask longer to get the same vitamin D as white people. Don't forget to use sunscreen (minimum containing SPF 15) and sunglasses first to reduce the risk of developing skin cancer.

lack of sunlight causes depression

Benefits of vitamin D for adults, in addition to bone health

Besides being beneficial for bone health, vitamin D has a number of hidden benefits that are rarely known.

1. Against various diseases

A study reports that vitamin D plays a role in fighting a number of diseases, including reducing the risk of multiple sclerosis, reduce the risk of heart disease, and help deal with flu.

2. Reducing the level of depression

Are you depressed? Well, you should meet the needs of vitamin D by sunbathing or eating foods rich in vitamin D. The reason is, vitamin D can help improve a bad mood and prevent depression.

In a study, the scientists found that epepressants who received vitamin D supplements could reduce their symptoms of depression. While pthere are separate studies, researchers also found that fibromyalgia sufferers who lack vitamin D tend to experience anxiety and depression.

3. Helps to lose weight

For those of you who are trying to lose weight, maximize your efforts by fulfilling vitamin D intake from food and supplements. Researchers found that daily consumption of calcium and vitamin D supplements was able to lose more weight. Because, calcium and extra vitamin D have the effect of suppressing appetite so that you become more easily controlling your weight.

In a separate study, overweight people who consumed vitamin D every day can help reduce the risk of heart disease.

Do Adults Still Need to Bask in the Morning Sun?
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