Don't Carrot? Oranges Can Also Maintain Our Eye Health!


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Just like other organs, eye health will continue to decrease with age. This condition is known as macular degeneration, which is the reduced ability of the eye to see which generally attacks people aged 60 years or more. Take it easy, even though the risk of macular degeneration will continue to increase, you can slow down its development. One way is to eat nutritious foods, such as carrots.

Although it is known as a very good food for the eyes, not everyone likes to eat carrots. Don't worry, according to studies citrus fruits also have the same potential in maintaining your eye health.

Potential citrus fruits to maintain eye health

cylinder eye

A study from The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports that regular eating of citrus fruits can reduce the risk of macular degeneration. The study was conducted after gathering interviews of 2,000 adults about their daily diet, including the intake of citrus fruits.

In 15 years, the results showed that people who ate one orange every day reduced their risk of macular degeneration by 60 percent.

Macular degeneration is damage to the macula found behind the retina. This condition makes you unable to see something clearly and in more detail in close and far distance. If you have this condition, the risk of blindness will be even greater.

Then, what are the benefits of citrus fruits for your eyes? Researchers in the study agreed that citrus fruits are rich in flavonoids. Flavonoids are antioxidant compounds that can reduce inflammation in the body. Although flavonoids are also found in other foods such as tea or apples, researchers have not found the potential of these two foods for eye health.

Other benefits of citrus fruit besides maintaining eye health

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Not only does it taste good and fresh, citrus fruits also have great benefits for body health. This fruit is very easy to find and very fresh with a slightly sour sweet taste.

Each serving of 154 grams of oranges contains around 80 calories, 250 mg of potassium, 14 grams of natural sugar, and 3 grams of fiber which is equivalent to 1 gram of protein. In addition, citrus fruits also contain various types of essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin A, folate, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, selenium, copper, and pantothenic acid.

Very much isn't it, the nutritional content of oranges that is beneficial to your body?

In addition to improving eye health, quoted from the Medical News Today page, citrus fruits also have many benefits for your body, including:

  • Prevent stroke.According to the American Heart Association (AHA), routinely eating nutritious fruits such as oranges reduces the risk of stroke by 19 percent in women.
  • Maintain blood pressure and heart health.Citrus fruits have low sodium levels which reduce the effects of vasodilation (widening the diameter of blood vessels because the muscles around them relax).
  • Improve skin health.The antioxidant properties of citrus fruits help fight sun exposure, dust, pollution that attacks the skin by increasing collagen production. The more collagen is produced, the skin texture will become more supple and avoid wrinkles.
  • Prevent diabetes. Foods high in fiber such as citrus fruits can reduce blood sugar levels and keep insulin levels normal.

Besides eating citrus fruits regularly, there are a number of other things that can help you reduce the risk of macular degeneration. For example limiting foods high in saturated fat, not smoking, and reducing exposure to blue light from your gadget. Don't forget, check your eye doctor regularly if you are over 65 years old even though you have no complaints.

Don't Carrot? Oranges Can Also Maintain Our Eye Health!
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