Drinking Milk Before Sleeping, Good or Bad?


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The habit of drinking milk has become part of the pattern of human consumption since thousands of years ago. In general, milk is taken in the morning because the nutrient content can meet the needs of daily activities, but is there any benefit of drinking milk before going to bed at night?

Nutrient content in a glass of milk

Milk contains various essential nutrients for the human body. Milk contains protein with nine essential amino acids as well as minerals such as phosphorus, iodine, calcium, potassium and calcium - which are needed to maintain the health of various bodily functions of the body. Milk is also rich in vitamins A, B2, B12 and D which are needed by the eyes, skin, immune system and bone calcium absorption.

In addition, milk contains the enzyme niacin which is useful in glucose metabolism and fat. Milk can also be consumed with the addition of sugar or in the form of other processed products such as cheese and yogurt, but even the nutritional and caloric benefits can be different from those presented in pure liquid form.

Then, what happens if you get used to drinking milk before going to bed?

1. Increase body weight

Depending on your lifestyle, the habit of drinking milk at night has the proper effect of two sides of a coin on weight. On the one hand, drinking milk before going to bed can be a healthy way to gain weight. But this benefit might be a consideration if you are trying to lose weight or just limit your daily calorie intake.

This is because milk contains lactose sugar which will be processed exactly like other sugars when absorbed by the body. Consumption of milk increases the amount of daily calories in large quantities as a side of the routine of breakfast, lunch and night. The effect of excess weight gain may occur especially if milk is consumed in large quantities or too close to bedtime. Besides consuming too much milk after dinner can trigger nausea.

Milk remains safe for consumption before bedtime if there is no added calories from sugar and in small amounts or about one glass (240 ml). Consumption habits of more than this amount can trigger a significant increase in the body even in a matter of weeks, especially if you are less active during the day.

2. Make you sleep better

One of the amino acids from milk, namely tryptophan, can calm nerve cells to help relax the body and brain so that it can help to sleep more easily. Tryptophan can help relieve symptoms of insomnia, even if only in small amounts.

3. Reducing midnight eating habits

Hunger is one reason someone often wakes up from sleep at night. This is natural because the food consumed before can continue to decrease when we sleep. To minimize midnight hunger, drinking milk before going to bed can be a good way to deal with it. Milk is rich in protein and other nutrients that can prevent hunger and can maintain blood sugar levels thereby reducing your risk of awakening from sleepless nights due to hunger.

4. Keep you energized

The milk nutrients absorbed during your sleep will be stored for use in the morning when you wake up. This energy storage effect makes you more powerful with physical and mental conditions that are ready to move once you wake up in the morning.

5. Improve gastrointestinal function

Drinking milk before going to bed will help the intestines to be more active at night so that it is good at improving the digestive tract. In addition, milk consumption is also known to prevent constipation and other digestive tract problems.

6. Maintain healthy bones and muscles

Sleep time is a good time for the body to process nutrients from food, one of which is to improve bone and muscle tissue and nutrition for both can be obtained by consuming milk. Milk is rich in protein, vitamin D, and calcium which is needed to regenerate bone and muscle tissue that is damaged after activity.

Drinking Milk Before Sleeping, Good or Bad?
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