Equally Make Stomach Pain, How to Differentiate Symptoms of Tipes and Ulcer?


Medical Video: Stomach Ulcer | Nucleus Health

Stomach feels bloated and painful? Many people consider this to be one of the symptoms of an ulcer. However, you can also experience these symptoms when you experience typhus. Both of these diseases often cause your stomach to bloat, stomach acid rises, and is not comfortable. Despite having the same symptoms, actually these two diseases are different diseases. Then, where do I know if the symptoms that I experience are not symptoms of typhoid? What is the difference between ulcer symptoms and typhoid? See the explanation below, yes.

Symptoms of typhoid and ulcers, how do I distinguish them?

When viewed from each disease, typhoid or typhoid or typhoid fever is an infectious disease caused by bacteria Salmonella typhi which is in contaminated drinks or food. Meanwhile, ulcers are the name of a group of symptoms of digestive disorders that are actually not in the health dictionary.

When someone experiences abdominal pain, flatulence, nausea, heartburn, it hurts or is hot, then you might think that it is an ulcer. In the medical world, ulcers can be called gastritis, which is inflammation or injury to the stomach due to various things. Usually, this health disorder is caused by an increase in stomach acid due to poor diet.

Meanwhile, abdominal pain that is felt when experiencing symptoms of typhoid is caused by a bacterial infection that attacks the digestive tract. So, when bacteria that are in your food or drink enter the body, these bacteria will survive and develop in the digestive organs for about three weeks. After that, the bacteria will spread through the blood vessels and further weaken the immune system.

How do I know if what I'm experiencing is a symptom of typhoid?

Although both cause symptoms of abdominal pain and cramps, typhus symptoms will usually be accompanied by other symptoms, not just digestive disorders. Other typhoid symptoms such as:

  • Headache
  • Fever more than 38 degrees Celsius
  • Diarrhea or constipation (difficult bowel movements)
  • Appetite decreases

Symptoms of typhoid will usually appear after 1-2 weeks someone infected with Salmonella bacteria. When you experience this, you might get this infection. So from that you should immediately consult a doctor to find out your body condition further.

Typhoid should not be underestimated

Many people don't realize that they have this infection. Even if typhoid disease is not treated properly and immediately, it will cause various other more serious health problems. Health problems that lurk if this condition is not resolved quickly, namely:

  • Bleeding in the digestive organs
  • Bloody vomiting and defecation
  • Breathless

However, if this infectious disease can be treated quickly, the recovery does not require a long time. For treatment, the doctor will give antibiotics so that the bacteria do not develop and grow back. In addition, the doctor will also provide treatment to relieve or overcome the symptoms that arise, for example giving ORS patients if they experience acute diarrhea.

Equally Make Stomach Pain, How to Differentiate Symptoms of Tipes and Ulcer?
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