Even though you have sensitive skin, adults can't use baby soap


Medical Video: Skin Care Hack: Using Baby Soap as a Cleanser and Shampoo

The owner of sensitive skin must be extra careful in using the right body care products. Because sensitive skin is prone to inflammation, dryness, even itching if carelessly caring for it. Maybe that's why most people prefer to use baby soap instead of ordinary soap. According to them, the content of baby soap is naturally soft and not adventurous so it is safe for sensitive skin.

However, do you know that baby soap is actually not effective for treating sensitive skin in adults?

Baby's skin is more sensitive than adults

Baby soap is intentionally made to treat baby's skin which is indeed more sensitive than adult skin. Dry and sensitive baby's skin makes it very vulnerable to skin disorders such as eczema and itchy rash.

The main purpose of baby soap is to maintain the natural moisture of the baby's skin, keep his skin healthy, prevent irritation or allergies, and improve the baby's skin texture to be softer and more flexible.

At first glance, you might then wonder why adults should not use baby soap to treat sensitive skin. In fact, the main purpose is the same, how come; to maintain skin moisture and prevent irritation.

"This is what people sometimes like to misinterpret. We know the baby's product mild, so that adults who have skin problems bathe with baby soap because they don't want to make it worse, "Dr. Srie Prihianti Sp.KK, a pediatric skin specialist (child dermatology) when interviewed by the Hello Sehat team in the Mega Kuningan area, Monday (5/11).

But in reality, the structure of the skin of an adult is very different from the original structure of the baby's skin.

Baby soap is not suitable for adult skin

Dr. Yanti added, baby products are deliberately designed mild in order to facilitate the condition of the skin which is indeed fragile.

"Compared to adult skin, baby's skin is much thinner and tends to be more sensitive to all changes that occur around it," said Dr. Yanti, her nickname.

This is because the cell bond structure that forms the skin tissue of a newborn baby is still loose. As a result, any foreign particles in the surrounding air or chemicals from a body care product can easily enter and irritate the skin. Plus, the baby's skin protection system has not yet been formed perfectly to fight the foreign substances that enter it.

While adult skin has gone through various major changes that can change the condition of the original skin. For example oil glands that are functioning properly. Exposure to stress, sunlight, pollution and dust outside the environment also contribute to "maturing" the structure of human skin over time.

This difference in skin conditions makes the baby soap formula in fact unsuitable and effective for adults even though sensitive skin. The reason is, what makes your skin sensitive is completely different from the cause of sensitive skin babies.

In addition, baby soap formulas are also considered not strong enough to clean the skin of adults who have been exposed to dust and pollution.

Then, what adults should use soap?

Instead of using baby soap that is not necessarily effective for adult skin, use a bath soap that is naturally natural. Look for soap whose composition contains aloe vera,cocoa butter, vitamin E, or chamomile. These natural ingredients are known to provide a moisturizing and soothing effect on the skin.

Doctor Yanti also recommends that sensitive skin is used to avoid soaps that contain antibacterial or antiseptic ingredients because they make the structure of lipids (natural fat in the top layer of the skin) also lifted. As a result, your skin becomes more dry.

Also make sure you are sensitive to skin using soap without coloring and coloring, but have a balanced pH level.

Even though you have sensitive skin, adults can't use baby soap
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