Foods That Have Been Passed By Flies, Can They Still Be Eaten?


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Most people may already know and understand that flies are carriers of disease. However, there are still people who just ignore eating food that has been infested with these flies. some just throw away a portion of food that has been infested with flies. The reason is, it's redundant. Actually, can we or not eat food in flies?

Food is seized with flies, is it still worth eating?

Almost everyone knows that flies are carriers of disease and animals that like to land in dirty places. However, many are not aware of the real danger of food contamination due to the "visit" of the fly even in a split second.

According to insects, even though many people are more disgusted with cockroaches, it turns out that flies are even more dirty than cockroaches. In fact, 1 fly can carry around 300 more types of viruses, bacteria and parasites that cause disease.Some examples of germs that are carried by flies when dropping in on your lunch plate include:

  • E.colli
  • Helicobacter pylori
  • Salmonella
  • Rotavirus
  • Hepatitis A virus

The World Health Organization (WHO) also states that there are many diseases caused by flies, such as:

  • Dysentery
  • Diarrhea
  • Typhoid fever or typhoid
  • Cholera
  • Eye infection
  • Skin infection

Most bacteria and germs are on the wings and legs of flies. So, just by stuffing 1-2 seconds, your food is contaminated with germs.

Even though germs can only live for several hours on the surface of the food, but when you directly eat it, germs can quickly multiply in the body and cause infection.

Not only that. One fly that sits on food is enough to make you sick. So, there is no need to wait until the fly colony swarms on your food. We recommend that you immediately throw away the food and replace it with a new one.

food is flown by flies

How do you keep food from flies and keep it clean?

The most important thing to prevent food from being caught by flies is by maintaining food and the surrounding environment. Because the environment is dirty - like trash cans, carcasses, to traces of stale food - is a place to live and nest to breed for flies.

Don't forget to always cover food if you are not eating. Place food in containers that can be tightly closed. This action will prevent contaminated food and keep it clean.

WHO also recommends that you always throw garbage in its place and try to keep the trash can in your house always closed. So, flies don't have the chance to land on it.

Also make sure that you always process food with attention to the cleanliness of the kitchen and yourself. Get used to always washing hands with running water and soap, so that the hands are always clean when touching food.

Foods That Have Been Passed By Flies, Can They Still Be Eaten?
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