Headaches accompanied by dizziness and eye pain, what causes it?


Medical Video: Migraine? Chronic Sinusitis, Dizziness, Ear/Eye Pain/Pressure, Abnormal Hearing/Smell/Taste/Touch

Almost everyone has experienced headaches, dizziness, or painful pain behind the eyes. However, the three usually occur apart at other times - not simultaneously. What is the cause if the headache and eye pain and dizziness occur at one time?

Head and eye aches and pain, plus dizziness. What caused it?

Many people think that headaches and dizziness are the same thing. However, these two conditions are in fact different. Dizziness is characterized by a sensation as if it is about to faint, the head feels heavy, the body is limp as if it is shaky, and feels the surrounding environment rotates (kliyengan). Meanwhile, the headache includes a feeling of pain such as being hit by a heavy object or the head feels tied tightly.

There are two main conditions that can cause headaches and dizziness to occur together, accompanied by a painful sensation of the eye.

1. Migraine (side headache)

Migraine is a type of headache that is caused by abnormal nerve impulse interactions and the release of chemicals that interfere with certain parts of the brain.

Symptoms that appear when migraines occur, include:

  • The next headache that radiates to the eye area so that the eyes hurt
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Sensitive to light, smell and noise
  • Dizziness because vision becomes blurred and bright spots appear in the field of vision

Migraines can be triggered by fatigue due to lack of sleep, stress, alcohol use, extreme weather changes, or allergies to something.

Reporting from Health Line, head and eye aches and dizziness are the most common symptoms of migraine, but everyone can feel different symptoms. They can experience only one symptom or even more simultaneously.

Another symptom that is rare in migraine cases is that it cannot talk temporarily and a painful sensation such as being stabbed around the arm or leg.

To reduce symptoms, you can take paracetamol drugs, avoid stress, improve sleep patterns, and avoid smoking and alcohol.

2. Binocular vision dysfunction (BVD)

The eye muscles play an important role in conveying visual signals to be translated by the brain as the images you see.

Binocular vision dysfunction is a condition that causes tension in the muscles. As a result, one eye muscle is in a position that is too low or too high.

Muscle tension is caused by a coordination problem between the inner ear system (vestibular) and the visual system of the eye, so that the resulting image is not centered right on the retina behind the eye.

The most common symptom is head and eye aches and throbbing pain, accompanied by dizziness, nausea and anxiety. Additional symptoms associated with BVD include:

  • Facial pain, neck pain, and back pain
  • Loss of balance and coordination and nausea
  • Impaired vision, such as blurred vision, double vision, is too sensitive to light
  • Difficulty in concentration, difficulty reading, and understanding reading.

Symptoms are similar to other serious diseases

Migraines and BVD are the two most common conditions that cause headaches and eye pain and dizziness at the same time.

However, this series of symptoms also briefly resembles some of the more serious diseases, such as vertigo and stroke.

So, you should immediately consult a doctor to get the right diagnosis and treatment if your condition does not go away after being treated at home or even worse.

Headaches accompanied by dizziness and eye pain, what causes it?
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