Is it really hit by rainwater can make you sick?


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Many people believe that rainwater can make you sick, from getting flu, colds, or diarrhea. Some even stated that rainwater that fell for the first time after a long dry season was thought to contain a number of diseases. This view is indeed very reasonable, because not a few people fall ill after the rain. But is it really rainy making us more susceptible to illness?

Rain makes sickness, myth or fact?

When cold, the body is forced to exert excessive energy. If our body's resistance is weak, the body cannot compensate for the drastic changes in body temperature. As a result, endurance decreases and health is disrupted. Emerging diseases can vary, such as influenza, cough and flu, fever, diarrhea, or itching.

So, actually rain will not cause health problems if our immune system is in good enough condition.

So why do we often get sick after the rain?

In one room with a person infected with a virus

Usually flu viruses tend to multiply more actively in cold weather or rain in a room filled with lots of people. Because, in those days people tend to be close together at close proximity to each other so that the virus can spread quickly. When there are one or several of your friends who have the flu then sneeze and you unwittingly breathe the air that has been contaminated by people who are experiencing the flu you will most likely be infected.

Low body temperature

When you get wet, at that time your temperature drops. Especially if the clothes you wear are wet with rain, this allows you to get hypothermia because the body's condition loses too much heat. Hypothermia puts pressure on the body including the immune system which causes your chances of getting infected with a larger virus. Not infrequently rain can worsen your immune system, but in this case it doesn't cause you to get sick right away.

How do you not get sick easily during the rainy season?

1. Avoid yourself from dirty water

When it rains, a lot of sewers are blocked and the water inundates the road. This condition is a very convenient place for nesting bacteria and viruses. Cover yourself with a raincoat from head to toe, if necessary use boots so that your feet are not exposed to harmful viruses or bacteria that nest in dirty water.

2. Wear warm clothes

When you are in the rain, immediately replace your wet clothes with a warm, dry shirt. Avoid wearing tight clothing, jeans or t-shirts. Because mushrooms need two main things to grow, namely heat and humidity. When you use tight clothing, it makes a gap for them to live.

3. Wash your hands frequently

Generally, the hand touches a thousand objects a day without realizing it. It could be that you are infected with a dangerous virus when holding the door handle, wiping the table, shaking hands, etc. Wash your hands frequently with warm water and soap every time you touch certain objects.

4. Eat clean food

Roadside food is not uncommon as the main cause of someone getting sick Either because of food poisoning, allergies, or so on. No one can guarantee the cleanliness of food sold on the roadside. So as much as possible avoid eating on the roadside, it's a good idea to eat home food that is guaranteed to be clean.

5. Wear a mask

Use a mask when you are traveling to cover your nose and mouth, even if you are indoors. This minimizes so that you don't get the virus.

Is it really hit by rainwater can make you sick?
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