Is it true that people with high blood pressure are easily angry?


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High blood pressure or hypertension is a health disorder that cannot be cured, but can be controlled. Therefore, those of you who have high blood pressure should be controlled. Many also say that people who have high blood pressure like anger and emotions are not stable. Likewise, vice versa, quickly angry can make blood pressure rise. Is that true? Find out the answer here.

People who have high blood tend to get angry faster

Maybe when you are angry or upset, the people around you will ask you whether your high blood pressure is relapsing at that time. Yes, high blood pressure is often associated with change mood sudden and increased emotions.

Actually, the assumption of many people about this is not entirely wrong. Apparently indeed, high blood pressure or hypertension is associated with changes in your mood, making you more angry than before.

This has even been proven in several studies which state that people with hypertension tend to get angry and easily change mood-his.

Why do people with high blood pressure get angry easily?

Experts do not know for sure what is the cause of a volatile mood in people with hypertension. However, there are several theories mentioned, namely:

1. Can not control stress properly

Although this has not been confirmed is the reason why people with high blood pressure are easily upset, but experts say that people with high blood pressure tend not to be able to control stress stimulation properly. This makes the brain release anger as a response.

However, this still has to be investigated further, how high blood pressure can interfere with the brain's response to controlling emotions.

2. There are influences from hypertension drugs

People with hypertension will usually get a medication that is intended to help keep blood pressure normal. In some studies, it is stated that the drugs consumed by people with hypertension will cause side effects mood. This is justified by a study published in the Hypertension Journal Report.

This study states that these drugs can interfere with the brain's work in managing stress and emotions. In this research, it is known that drugs can cause changes mood in people with hypertension are:

  • Drug beta-blockers and calcium antagonistThis drug is used to avoid damage to heart function which usually occurs in people with high blood pressure.
  • Diuretic drugs, especially thiazide, are used to prevent fluid buildup in hypertensive people.

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So, should everyone who has high blood pressure be easily angry?

Of course, this is not something that is certain to happen. Not all people whose blood pressure rises will be irritable and emotionally unstable. This actually depends on how you manage emotions and stress. Want to train yourself to be able to control anger? You can follow the following tips:

Immerse anger after calming down

If you know that you will explode in anger, you should hold yourself up by finding a quiet place where you can be alone. You can still, really, express anger when you have begun to calm down, for example by the way ventto the closest person. However, do not when emotions are still overflowing.

Think before talking

When you get angry, you may easily say painful things without thinking about the consequences. Things that often create problems add to length, not solve problems. Remember, what you say when you are emotional, will turn to you and backfire.

Find out what really makes you angry

Understand and get to know yourself more deeply. Find out what situations will make you angry, this way you can manage your anger. For example, when you are calm you can judge again, whether the cause of your anger is natural or not. If indeed you are angry for no reason, you should consult a doctor.

Train yourself for relaxation

Relaxation can help you control yourself from anger. From now on, try to practice relaxing and calm down. Everyone has different ways. For example by taking a deep breath, listening to a song, or drawing. This must be useful in any condition and situation, including when you are angry.

Is it true that people with high blood pressure are easily angry?
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