4 Things You Need To Be Done To Not Be Easily Infected With Scabies


Medical Video: Scabies Treatment, How to Get Rid of Scabies, Home Remedies for Scabies, How to Treat Scabies Remedy

Scabies or scabies is a skin disease that causes itching and is very easily transmitted between humans, estimated every year there are 300 million cases worldwide. Usually if there is one family member suffering from scabies, it is likely that other family members will suffer the same thing. This also often occurs in children who live in a dormitory, where usually all residents can contract scabies from just one person.

Because of its highly contagious characteristics, we need to know how to prevent transmission Sarcoptes scabieimites that cause scabies. Especially if someone near you has scabies, you are also at high risk of contracting scabies.

What causes scabies?

Scabies is caused by a mite which is referred to as Sarcoptes scabiei. These mites are so small that they cannot be seen with the naked eye. You need to use a microscope to see these mites. When on human skin, Sarcoptes scabiei will tunnel under the skin and put the eggs in the tunnel, giving rise to redness and itching on the skin.

Characteristics and symptoms of scabies

The most common sign and symptom of scabies is intense itching, usually occurring at night, accompanied by prominent reddish lesions on the skin. Body parts such as the wrists, elbows, armpits, between fingers, waist, and buttocks are the most common complaints, although they are not limited to that area and can attack the entire surface of the skin. If observed, sometimes tunnels will be produced by mites in the form of reddish line lesions that are often found between fingers.

How can someone contract scabies?

Sarcoptes scabiei transmitted through close contact such as holding hands or sexual relations. These mites can also be transmitted through personal items that are used alternately such as clothes, towels, or bed linen. Because it is very easily transmitted through physical contact, usually scabies is often found in one family, daycare, dormitory, or a sports team.

The problem is the symptoms of scabies in people who are infected for the first time, usually appearing only 2 months after being infected.

How to treat scabies?

The drug that can be given to get rid of scabies is permethrin 5% and gamexan 1% ointment. Suggested treatment is also given to people who are close to the patient, because in addition they are at high risk of contracting, fear the patient will also experience re-infection when he is cured later.

How to avoid contracting scabies?

The principle in preventing transmission of scabies is to kill living mites. Therefore, several things need to be done to kill mites and prevent transmission:

  1. Wash all clothes and bed linen.Use hot water and soap to wash all clothes, towels, and bed linen, or if necessary boil to kill mites that are still left behind.
  2. Let the mites die of starvation.For objects that cannot be washed, you can put these objects in a sealed plastic bag and place it in a place that is rarely reached for several weeks. Mites will die within a few days when left without food
  3. Avoid contact. Because scabies is transmitted through physical contact, avoid close contact with scabies such as sexual intercourse. Avoid the habit of using personal items such as towels that can transmit scabies.
  4. Clean the entire room at home.Using a vacuum cleaner machine (vacuum cleaner), clean all carpets and furniture inside the house.

Preventing transmission of scabies needs high discipline. The above methods must be done at the time before starting treatment with treatment because if no precautionary measures are taken, it will be highly contagious and do not rule out the possibility of occurrence infection repeat to scurvy patients who have recovered.

4 Things You Need To Be Done To Not Be Easily Infected With Scabies
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