Like Fire Toys? Beware, This Can Be Symptoms of Piromania


Medical Video: 10 Amazing Fire Tricks!

Everyone knows that playing fire is dangerous. However, there were some people who had a strong urge to light a fire then were satisfied after the fire began to burn. This is called piromania. Want to know more? Come on, see the following review.

What is piromania?

Piromania is a disorder of impulse control, which is the difficulty of controlling the internal urge to light a fire even though it already knows that the action is dangerous. The drive to light a fire makes them anxious, tense, or even excited. After lighting a fire, they will feel satisfied.

Why do people like to play fire?

The causes of piromania have not yet been determined. However, a number of studies have concluded that it is likely that piromania is caused by two factors, namely, from the psychological side of people with this condition and their environment. Here's the explanation:

Psychological factors

A person who has piromania usually has a happy attitude to be alone. Then, look for sensations and want to get more attention. With the act of burning, they can see how the people around react. They also do not care about safety and lack of knowledge about fire hazards. In addition, the intention of revenge or a form of rebellion is also included in the cause of piromania.

Environmental factor

Growing up with parents who commit violence, can make a person become depressed. Likewise, the lack of parental supervision of the environment that is vulnerable to the use of liquor, drugs, and has been a victim of violence can also be a trigger for the occurrence of piromania.

Get to know the symptoms

For people with piromania disorders, the initial symptoms that appear do seem trivial. However, if it is not immediately treated, it will endanger the sting. The following is a series of symptoms.

  • Often playing fire on purpose, more than once
  • Being very tense or very excited before lighting a fire
  • Interested in fire and objects or situations related to fire
  • Feel happy or relieved when burning or watching a fire
  • No matter the loss of property, injuries, or even death from fire

How is piromania diagnosed?

To find out, the health care provider or therapist will ask about symptoms, medical history, and family environment and the use of the drugs you are taking. Likewise with alcohol and drug use (if you are a user).

What about the treatment?

Piromania is not just playing ordinary fire. Therefore, this disorder needs to be cured because it is a criminal act that can harm others and cause damage.

This condition can be treated with the help of a psychologist in cognitive behavioral therapy or cognitive behavioral therapy. This therapy helps you change your outlook on yourself, the world, and the future. In addition, it helps in taking actions and risks from these actions.

Usually sufferers will be recommended to understand the emergence of a sense of tension, find out what causes the urge to play fire, understand the consequences, and find new ways to release feelings related to fire.

Then, sufferers can also attend family counseling so that patients get support to better understand this disorder and learn how to maintain a safe home environment.

Like Fire Toys? Beware, This Can Be Symptoms of Piromania
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