Married Cancer Patients Have More Chance to Recover


Medical Video: What You Don’t Know About Cancer | {THE AND} Jeannette & Nia (Part 1)

Many studies have proven the benefits of marriage. Yes, marriage has a good impact whether it's in terms of physical or mental health of each individual. But have you ever known that marriage can also influence the success of cancer treatment? Here is the explanation.

Benefits of marriage: increasing the success of cancer treatment

Maybe what you know so far, to treat or treat cancer, there are several main treatments that must be done, such as chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. The success of each cancer treatment is indeed dependent on the patient's condition and the type of cancer suffered.

However, the good news for those of you who are married, because marriage turns out to have a positive impact on cancer treatment. A study reported in a journal called Cancer found the benefits of marriage in cancer patients. This study invited as many as 800 thousand adults who had been diagnosed with cancer in 2000-2009 and studied until 2012.

In this study, experts found that the death rate of affected male patients was higher in the group of unmarried patients, which was 27% higher. While in female patients it is known if the death rate of unmarried patients is 19% more than for married patients.

Why do married patients have good cancer treatment results?

One of the benefits of marriage that researchers believe can make treatment more smoothly and successfully, because it can make patients who are undergoing cancer treatment stronger and more able to overcome the obstacles that exist. This is because by getting married, you have someone who can be relied on, whether it's in terms of support or something else.

Support from loved ones is certainly very important when doing cancer treatment. This emotional support can reduce stress levels and improve patient recovery from possible side effects of cancer treatment.

Here are the reasons why marriage affects cancer treatment:

  • Nearly 70% of married patients successfully undergo cancer treatment well and on time.
  • Cancer is diagnosed earlier in people who are married, because there is support and encouragement from family members.
  • Having a more stable economy than those who are not married - this affects the treatment process.

Unmarried people may indeed tend to get less support than those who are married. This can be attributed to the shame and lack of confidence that cancer patients may have towards their close relatives.

In essence, close family support affects the success of cancer treatment

Not that unmarried patients do not have hope like patients who are married. This research actually emphasizes that the support of the closest person has a very big influence on the chances of recovering cancer patients.

Unmarried people can get support from their family and friends. That support will make cancer treatment more successful and effective faster.

Married Cancer Patients Have More Chance to Recover
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