Menstrual Blood is Not Dirty Blood! Here's the Medical Explanation.


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In the culture of Indonesian society, menstrual blood that is issued by women every month is often associated with dirty blood. However, have you ever wondered what it really is, what is meant by dirty blood? What's the difference with blood coming out when your hands are scratched by sharp objects, for example? Is menstrual blood including dirty blood?

Check out the complete answer to menstrual blood below, according to medical glasses.

Is menstrual blood dirty blood?

body during menstruation

Menstruation or menstruation, also often called menstruation, is a normal monthly cycle where women experience bleeding from the vagina.

The blood coming out of the vagina is often referred to as dirty blood. However, this assumption not true when viewed from a health and science perspective.

Menstrual blood is not dirty blood as long as it is trusted. Menstrual blood is actually no different from blood from wounds or nosebleeds. It's just that menstrual blood contains residual tissue from the uterine wall that decays after ovulation.

Menstruation occurs when the lining of the deep uterine wall contains many blood vessels and passes through the vagina.

Every month the body will prepare for pregnancy by releasing eggs. The release of eggs from the ovary is what is called ovulation. If the released egg cell is not fertilized by sperm cells, the egg cell will dissolve and come out along with blood from the uterine wall.

At that time, the levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone began to fall. Very low levels of estrogen and progesterone tell the body to start menstruation.

When you menstruate, your body removes monthly stacks from your uterine wall. Menstrual blood and tissue flow from the uterus through a small hole in the cervix and out of the body through the vagina.

Reporting from Liputan6, according to the Clinical Nutrition Specialist Department of Nutrition FKUI-RSCM, Dr. Dr. Inge Permadhi, MS, Sp.GK says that in the menstrual cycle, women will lose a clean blood supply containing hemoglobin. Therefore, during menstruation the body can become weak due to iron deficiency.

Actually what is meant by dirty blood?

platelets, pieces of blood

Medically, dirty blood is blood that lacks oxygen (deoxygeneted blood) or the carbon dioxide level is too high. Conversely, blood with a lot of oxygen is called clean blood (oxygenated blood).

Blood flows from the heart to the lungs to produce oxygen, then returns to the heart and throughout the body.

Blood that lacks oxygen aka dirty blood will be pumped by the right ventricle of the heart, then flowed into the lungs through the pulmonary artery. Then the lungs will bind oxygen, so that the blood flowing to the heart and the whole body is oxygen-rich blood.

If the oxygen level in the blood is low, the lungs lack oxygen to flow to the heart and throughout the body. This condition is called hypoxemia.

Hypoxemia can interfere with the normal functioning of the body, including the function of the brain, liver, heart and other organs.

When your blood oxygen level starts to low, you will feel symptoms such as:

  • Shortness of breath as a lung response to increase oxygen levels in the blood
  • Fast heartbeat as a heart response to help circulate oxygen in the blood throughout the body
  • Chest pain, because the heart does not receive enough oxygen
  • Headache
  • Limp body
  • Daze
  • Restless

So if you have dirty blood in your body, you definitely feel the symptoms mentioned above, both in men and women. While menstrual blood is not lacking in oxygen or excess carbon dioxide, it is normal blood in the body. Because that's menstrual blood is actually not dirty blood.

Menstrual Blood is Not Dirty Blood! Here's the Medical Explanation.
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