More and more strokes after cleaning? Beware Mucus Fishing Syndrome


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When your eyes have problems, more mucus will be produced. As a result, the eyes will be easy to bend. You will reflexively clean the belek again and again. Unfortunately, this action causes eye irritation. This condition is called mucus fishing syndrome (MFS). Come on, understand more about this syndrome.

What is mucus fishing syndrome?

Mucus fishing syndrome is a habit of cleaning the mucus continuously during eye irritation. This condition does not alleviate the condition, instead it increases the production of mucus so that the eyes become easy once and certainly more severe irritation.

The eyes need tears to moisturize the eye area while preventing foreign substances from entering the eye. Well, these tears contain water, mucus, salt, and oil. When the eyes experience problems such as irritation or infection, mucus is produced to be more so that it tends to make the eyes faint.

Those of you who can't stand the condition of the eye of the shoulder, must tend to rub and pull the back so as not to pollute the eyes. Unfortunately, if done continuously it will cause mucus fishing syndrome.

Eye irritation is the main cause of mucus fishing syndrome

A person can have this syndrome if the mucus produced by the eye is too much. Generally caused by eye disorders and certain conditions, such as:

  • Conjunctivitis (red eye).Infectious eye disease due to bacterial, viral, or allergic infections.
  • Dacryocystitis.Infection due to blocked tear ducts, so that the tears tend to be slimy.
  • Dry eyes.The inability of the lacrimal gland to produce enough tears.
  • Blepharitis.the inability of the lacrimal gland to produce enough oil to tear the eyelids to crust and swell.
  • Repetitive behavioral disorders that focus on the body.This disorder causes a person to do the same action, such as rubbing his eyes, pulling his hair, or biting his nails.

What are the symptoms of mucus fishing syndrome?

eyes feel sore

Frequently pulling mucus or belek in the eyes constantly, can increase the production of mucus more so that it is susceptible to infection and eye irritation. Various symptoms that may occur, include:

  • Red and watery eyes
  • A burning sensation arises in the eyes
  • The eyes hurt and sometimes swell

How to overcome and prevent eye irritation due to mucus fishing syndrome

A powerful way to deal with mucus fishing syndrome is to stop touching the eye to remove mucus. Then, the treatment will be focused on the causes, such as red eyes, dry eye syndrome, and others.

If the cause is an eye problem, the doctor will give antibiotics, steroid eye drops, and eye drops to lubricate the eyes. Additional treatment can be done at home such as attaching a towel soaked in cold water or warm water to reduce swelling.

While if the cause is related to behavioral disorders, then the patient must undergo behavioral therapy. This therapy helps patients to reduce or stop repetitive habits that can irritate the eyes. Some drugs can also reduce symptoms of behavioral disorders, such as stabilizing drugsmood, opioid antagonists, and dopamine blocker.

To prevent this syndrome, patients must maintain hand hygiene and avoid touching their eyes directly with their hands. Use a tissue or handkerchief to clean mucus in the eyes. Always keep eye health by eating nutritious foods, stop smoking, wear glasses when the weather is hot, and limit the use of gadgets.

More and more strokes after cleaning? Beware Mucus Fishing Syndrome
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