5 Ways to Overcome Excessive Anxiety


Medical Video: How to Control Anxiety Disorder

Have you ever felt anxious? If so, what are the causes of your anxiety? One in four people feel anxiety at several phases in their lives. Feeling depressed and anxious is a common response you give when you are under stressed conditions. Anxious feelings that are usually felt, generally will pass after the conditions that suppress or trigger the stressed condition pass. But some of these tips you can also try to do to relieve your anxiety.

Tips to relieve anxiety

Anxiety is triggered by a combination of several factors. These factors are like the characteristics of the individual, unpleasant life experiences and how their physical health. Unfortunately, the extent to which this anxiety has developed is rather difficult to detect, because its development occurs slowly and is generally different in each person.

When you feel anxious, you usually feel stuck and don't know what to do to feel better. Without you even knowing, what you do might actually trigger your anxiety. Here are some things you might try to do to alleviate the anxiety you feel:

1. Take a deep breath

The first thing you should do when you feel anxious is to breathe. This advice is in accordance with a clinical psychologist, Marla W Deibler, who said that deep diaphragmatic breathing has the ability to relieve anxiety, because when you do it, you help change the mode that is being activated by the body from tense sympathetic nerves to calm mode parasympathetic nerves. You can do this step by inhaling, holding it back and exhaling slowly for the same count, in four counts.

2. Believe that it is only a brain game

These tips are supported by a theory said by psychiatrist Kelli Hyland, who has witnessed firsthand how your brain can manipulate your mind, making you think you are critical of a heart attack, when you are actually experiencing a panic attack.

3. Future difficulties, let it be thought of in the future

In most cases, when you feel anxious, you will tend to focus on what will happen in the future rather than the present. Even though something will happen to your future, focusing your mind on the things that are in front of your eyes will tend to enable you to control the situation around you.

When you experience this condition, all you can do to alleviate your anxiety is to stop for a moment, breathe as comfortably as possible, then carefully examine what is happening around you.

4. Focus on the more meaningful

When you are anxious, you tend to spend time focusing on the anxiety you feel, so that you will feel even more anxious, without producing an effort to alleviate that anxiety. Until finally you will only end up wasting your time free. You can relieve anxiety in this phase by busy doing something more useful for your life now.

5. Do positive discussions with yourself

The anxiety that can arise from playing your own brain makes it only yourself that is the most capable of dealing with it. Discussing or saying positive words to yourself can be made as a good start. In alleviating anxiety in this phase, you can do this by saying a few statements such as:

  • "What should I prepare for this situation?"
  • "Are these concerns not excessive?"
  • "I can get through it."

Impact of excessive anxiety

Anxiety that is allowed to drag on or over can trigger you to experience anxiety disorders. In anxiety disorders, the anxiety that you feel is also not lost even though the trigger has passed, even if the anxiety that you feel initially appears without a specific cause. Some symptoms that are common in someone with anxiety disorders, such as you will experience a panic attack, increased heart rate, rushed breathing, excessive fear that can ultimately affect your social and health life.

5 Ways to Overcome Excessive Anxiety
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