Myriad of Benefits of Jackfruit Fruit: From Meat, Seeds, and Leaves


Medical Video: Miracle Fruit? 10 Amazing Health Benefits of Jackfruit

Are you one of the people who likes jackfruit? Yep! This yellow fruit "has a good taste" does have a good taste and distinctive aroma. This distinctive aroma makes jackfruit widely used as a mixture of cakes and drinks. So no wonder, if many people like this one fruit. Jackfruit is not only easy to obtain, but in fact it also has many benefits. Read on to find out the benefits of jackfruit.

Nutrient content of jackfruit

Jackfruit is a food source rich in vitamins A, C, thiamin, potassium, calcium, riboflavin, iron, niacin, and zinc. This fruit also has fiber that is low in calories so it is good for heart disease patients. Nutrient content of jackfruit in one cup (165 grams) is known to have:

  • 155 calories
  • 39.6 grams of carbohydrates
  • 2.4 grams of protein
  • 0.5 gram of fat
  • 2.6 grams of fiber

Benefits of jackfruit for health

Here are various potentials health benefits of jackfruit you should know:

1. Enhances immunity and helps fight cancer

Jackfruit is a food that contains many antioxidants and phytonutrients to fight cancer, including lignans, isoflavones, and saponins. According to Penn State University, by consuming antioxidants, we can neutralize free radicals, which help fight some forms of cancer.

In addition, a study published in the journal Carcinogenesis found that vitamin C contained in jackfruit can increase the activity of important antioxidant enzymes that help prevent breast cancer. If all these substances and nutrients are combined, making jackfruit becomes a food that has the potential to fight cancer.

2. Reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease

Jackfruit contains potassium, which is important in controlling blood pressure and heart rate. A healthy dose of potassium and vitamin B6 in jackfruit will help you reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke. In addition, jackfruit also contains resveratrol which has cardio protective effects and can help treat cardiovascular diseases such as ischemia, hypertension and atherosclerosis.

3. Improve the digestive system

Jackfruit contains a lot of fiber which is very necessary to facilitate the digestive system such as constipation. In addition, 90 percent of these fruits are complex carbohydrates that are suitable for dieters. The carbohydrate content in jackfruit keeps the stomach full longer, thereby reducing appetite.

4. Improve bone health

Jackfruit contains calcium which is important for good bone health. Because calcium is needed for bone formation and maintenance. That is why, consuming jackfruit every day will help prevent and reduce symptoms of bone disease such as arthritis and osteoporosis. The potassium content in jackfruit also serves to increase strong bone density.

5. Good for vision function

Jackfruit contains many nutrients that support eye health including beta carotene, vitamin A, Lutein and Zeaxanthin. Beta carotene is synthesized by the body and converted to Vitamin A. Vitamin A is very important for eye vision to support the normal functioning of the cornea and conjunctival membrane.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are the only carotenoids stored in high amounts in the retina where they filter harmful light and protect and maintain healthy cell functions around the eyes. Make jackfruit a part of your regular diet to reduce the risk of cataracts, glaucoma and macular degeneration.

6. Jackfruit seeds are low glycemic foods

In addition to fruit flesh, in fact jackfruit seeds are also beneficial for health. If you are one of the people who needs to regulate blood glucose levels, then you are advised to routinely consume jackfruit seeds. Because the jackfruit seeds are a good source of fiber starch.

Boiled or steamed jackfruit seeds which are added with a few simple spices make one of the foods containing low glycemic levels. Eating which has a low glycemic index is a food that does not cause a significant surge in blood sugar levels in the body.

7. Helps control diabetes

Jackfruit fruit contains several vitamins and minerals that will help reduce the risk of your diabetes complications. Scientists studying the relationship between jackfruit and diabetes found that diabetic patients who were given jackfruit extract had improved glucose tolerance compared to those not given extract.

The benefits of jackfruit are not only limited to the meat and seeds. Who would have thought if jackfruit leaves also have good benefits for health? The latest study tested in diabetic rats found jackfruit leaves contain certain chemicals that help reduce blood sugar levels. All preliminary results show that jackfruit leaves can help stabilize blood sugar levels in humans and can be used to control diabetes.

But keep in mind, jackfruit is not a medicine. Eating too much jackfruit has risks. Until now, there have been no studies that determine the right and safe dose or amount of jackfruit to obtain these benefits.

Myriad of Benefits of Jackfruit Fruit: From Meat, Seeds, and Leaves
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