Can You Use Herbal Medicines When Treating Cancer?


Medical Video: Cancer Treatment: Chemotherapy

Herbal medicines for cancer are usually made from plants. Can be from leaves, flowers, stem roots, fruit, or seeds. Then these ingredients are processed and packaged in capsules, tablets, oils, ointments, or drinks in the form of tea. But what medicine made from natural ingredients This is definitely safe for consumption, especially for those of you who have cancer? This is the answer.

There is no scientific evidence that herbal medicines can cure cancer

Some people believe that taking herbal medicines can cure them from cancer because these drugs are often called contains antioxidants and substances that are useful for curing cells. Though as reported by the site Cancer Research the use of herbal medicine as a substitute drug for cancer has not yet been scientifically proven.

Cancer treatment what is currently known in the medical world is surgery, radiotherapyand chemotherapy. More research is needed to be able to make this herbal medicine for cancer a medical therapy that is recognized by the wider world.

In fact, herbal medicines on the market only function as promotive (maintaining health and fitness), preventive (preventing getting sick), curative (companion treatment), and rehabilitation (restoring).

Which must be considered when you want to use herbal medicines for cancer

According to Cancer Research in the UK, 10 of those who have cancer 6 or about 60 percent of them use herbal medicines for cancer along with medical treatment. So, if you want to use herbal remedies for cancer, make sure you always consult this with your doctor, after consulting, you will know the answer whether you choose herbal medicines for cancer or not.

Why is it important to consult a doctor? Because every type of herbal medicine is likely to have side effects that you don't know. Some are safe for you to use and some are not. Even some of them are very risky as reported from Medical News Today.

You must remember that until now, the use of herbal medicine is only as a support therapy, not the main therapy in the treatment of cancer. So you still have to undergo the main treatment for cancer such as surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

Tips for safely consuming herbal medicines for cancer

Some natural ingredients used as herbal medicines are safe for consumption. Although safe, herbal medicines also have the potential to cause mild and serious side effects on the body. The side effects are also printed on the packaging. In order to avoid danger, here are tips on safe taking herbal medicines.

  • Be sure to buy products that have been registered with BPOM RI. You can check on the BPOM page It's easy, you just type in the information on the drug, such as the registration number, product name, or brand of herbal medicine you want to know.
  • Don't forget to check the product expiration date.
  • Follow all instructions for use along with the doses listed on the packaging.
  • Contact customer service for these products if you want to know more about their products.
  • Before taking it, make sure you consult your doctor first.

Herbal medicines cannot be consumed by everyone. There are some people who should be careful or avoid groups of herbal medicines. Do not just take any herbal medicine, especially if the purpose is for treatment. We recommend that you consult a doctor if you want to enter any substance into the body.

Can You Use Herbal Medicines When Treating Cancer?
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