Not Only Fragrant, Consider 7 Benefits of Pandan Leaves for Health


Medical Video: Benefits of Pandan Leaves - 7 Benefits of Pandan leaves for health

Pandanus leaves are an inseparable plant from Indonesian society. Pandan leaves are quite easy to find. Many people can plant this plant in their homes. Pandan leaves have a fragrant aroma, not infrequently these leaves are used as food fragrances so that the food feels more delicious and delicious to eat. Not only that, pandan leaves are also often used as coloring agents and flavor enhancers for food. However, in reality pandan leaves not only serve as a complement to your cuisine, but also for health. Pandan leaves contain tannins, glycosides and alkaloids, which make the benefits of pandan leaves for health so dear if missed. For more information, see the following information.

Benefits of pandan leaves for health

1. Helps reduce blood sugar levels

A study published in the journal Pharmacognosy Magazine proved that pandan leaf extract can reduce blood sugar postprandial (examination of blood sugar without fasting first). Pandan leaf extract is also able to encourage insulin production in pancreatic cells. In general, pandan leaves have potential as a natural source of antihyperglycemic.

2. Overcoming cancer

According to research conducted in 2014, root extract and pandan leaves have cytotoxic, antimitotic, antiproliferative and apoptotic effects. All of these effects are good for preventing or stopping cancer growth.

Therefore, pandanus does have the potential to be used in cancer therapy, as it has been used for a long time traditionally.

3. Neutralize poisons

Not only green coconut water can eliminate or neutralize toxins, but pandan leaf tea can also. Pandan leaves are very effective for detoxifying the body, especially the liver. Not only neutralizes, but these leaves also help release toxins and dirt from the body. Pandan leaves have benefits as a mild laxative and are truly safe, and can also be recommended for children.

4. Overcoming rheumatism

Rheumatism or rheumatoid arthritis is a disease that causes inflammation, and then results in pain, stiffness, and swelling in the joints. This disease is caused by an autoimmune disorder. The most frequently affected are the hands, wrists, legs and knees. Less frequently are other body parts, such as the lungs, eyes, heart, blood vessels, skin and nerves.

Some people use pandan leaves to deal with rheumatism. You do this by boiling fresh pandan leaves with coconut oil, stirring evenly. After being cold, use the processed pandan leaves as a liniment to be rubbed on the rheumatic part.

6. Relieves pain

Pandan leaves contain analgesic properties which can act as pain relievers from headaches, chest pain, and arthritis. To use pandan leaves as a pain reliever, you can drink pandan tea twice a day. Pandan leaves also have the ability to reduce stomach cramps.

7. Eliminates dandruff and hair loss

Don't get me wrong, hair can also benefit from pandan leaves. Dandruff is a common chronic scalp condition, causing dead skin flakes on the scalp and can vary from mild to severe. Dandruff makes the head itchy and can damage the health of the hair.

Hair loss is the condition of the decay of the hair from the scalp or other areas of your body. Hair loss can be a result of heredity, hormonal changes, medical conditions, or drugs. Hair loss can occur in many different ways, depending on what causes it. Hair loss can occur suddenly or gradually, and affects only the scalp or your whole body.

This condition can be treated one of them by using pandan leaves. How to use it by making pandan leaves for hair masks. Finely mash the pandan leaves and add water, stir until smooth. Apply to hair and massage the scalp gently. Let stand a few minutes and wash your hair thoroughly.

Not Only Fragrant, Consider 7 Benefits of Pandan Leaves for Health
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