Research Reveals Special Types of Proteins that Potentially Prevent Blindness


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Blindness can be caused by various diseases, genetic (hereditary factors), and also accidents. Until now, there is no drug that can prevent blindness. However, recent research reveals the types of special nutrients that have the potential to prevent blindness naturally. Come on, get acquainted with neuroserpin, a great protein that can maintain eye function and health.

Get to know neuroserpine and how it works

Neurosclerpin is a natural protein in the body that is classified as a type of protein called serpin. Neuroserpine is very important for maintaining retinal health, enzyme regulation, and maintaining overall eye condition.

The way this protein works is by maintaining the balance of plasmin, which is an enzyme that can cause damage to the retina. In the presence of neuroserpin, the level and function of plasmin will be controlled.

Natural proteins that can prevent blindness are very vulnerable

Neuroserpine function can be disrupted due to aging, disease, and environmental factors. The more severe the disorder, the longer this natural protein can become inactive. Kthe ethics of neurosclerosis are no longer active, the eye loses its protector. As a result, the retina and optic nerve can be disrupted until permanently damaged. One of the disorders is glaucoma, which is the cause of permanent blindness.

Environmental factors such as air pollution can also cause oxidative stress, namely an imbalance between free radicals that can damage the body's cell structure with the body's ability to compensate for its effects. In that condition, neuroserpine becomes inactive again.

Another condition that can interfere with neuroserpine is when the eye pressure is too high. High eye pressure damages the function of this protein so that plasmin will easily cause damage to the eye nerve.

Neuroserpine is also non-active in people with glaucoma. In the study in the journal Nature,it was found that this protein is dormant (present in the body but not active and not functioning) in patients with glaucoma. So, in people with glaucoma, the level of plasmin nerve damage to the eye is very high even though the neuropspin is not active.

For the reasons above, the researchers concluded that although this protein plays a very important role in maintaining eye function and vision, its neuroserps are very susceptible to damage.

cylinder eye

Develop neuroserpin function

Many researchers are currently looking for ways to engineer neuroserpine through genetic engineering. The goal is to make this particular type of protein immune to environmental damage, not easily damaged, and always present in the eye to protect vision.

Researchers are still looking for antioxidants that can prevent cell damage caused by free radicals related to air pollution. This protein also cannot be extracted to become a supplement so that it can be consumed daily.

Are there other ways to prevent blindness?

Apart from being injured in the head or eyes, blindness can be caused by various types of diseases. Among them are cataracts, diabetes, and macular degeneration (old eyes). Therefore, the best way to prevent blindness is to prevent illness and avoid injury.

This method can be achieved by living a healthy lifestyle. For example by eating balanced nutritious food, controlling blood sugar levels, getting enough rest, exercising regularly, stopping smoking, and maintaining overall eye health.

You are also advised to diligently check your eye health with your doctor. Especially every time you feel a particular complaint or symptom.

Research Reveals Special Types of Proteins that Potentially Prevent Blindness
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