Short Sleeper Phenomenon: Sleeping for a moment but can be fresh fit


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Normal nighttime sleep for adults ranges from 7-8 hours, and this has become a recommendation for adequate sleep in general. Although sleep less than 6 hours can reduce health and performance of activities, some people have very short sleep patterns, around 3-5 hours, but can move optimally. This short sleep pattern is probably caused by Short Sleeper Syndrome experienced by only a few people.

What is that short sleeper syndrome?

Short sleeper syndrome (SSS) is a term that refers to abnormal sleep patterns experienced by only a few people. Individuals with SSS do not intentionally limit sleep, nor do they take a nap because there is not enough time. Their bodies feel they have slept enough with only 3-5 hours, even the sleep patterns remain consistent during weekends and holidays.

Even though they have shorter sleep times, they wake up from sleep in a fresh and energetic state like individuals with normal sleep times, and do not have to "pay" for less sleep during the day.

How short sleeper syndrome can occur?

Changes in sleep time may occur during childhood or adolescence, and continue into adulthood. In addition to these factors, a research shows that some people experience gene mutations that cause them to think and move normally even though they have a shorter night's sleep. This condition can be reduced, so individuals who experience SSS may have family members with the same sleep pattern.

When sleeping, the body experiences various cell repair processes including brain cells, and this process has a varied time. The mutation conditions of the SSS-causing genes can trigger cell repair while falling asleep to be shorter.

Short sleeper syndrome not a sleep disorder

Sleep disorders are caused by various unhealthy lifestyles and poor handling of stress. In addition, sleep disorders have their own patterns such as cycles, so they continue to occur repeatedly and cause a person to experience health and physical conditions. Individuals with SSS do not experience this, because they have their own biological clock due to the condition of gene mutations.

According to clinical neurologist from the University of Utah, Dr. Christopher Jones (as reported by, "Individuals with SSS have a more enthusiastic mood and thinner body shape, while individuals who experience lack of sleep due to sleep disorders are more likely to experience obesity." He also added, individuals with SSS tend to be more resistant to pain and psychological stress .

is short sleeper syndrome safe for health?

In healthy individuals, SSS conditions do not cause health problems because they move according to their respective biological clocks. Just a little sleep can meet the time for cell regeneration so that sleep time becomes more efficient and still quality. But keep in mind, SSS conditions are not experienced by everyone. Fulfill normal sleep needs if you feel weak and experience various symptoms of insufficient sleep when sleeping less than six hours.

Things to note if the duration of your sleep is too short

In addition to the genetic conditions that cause sleep too short, a person's sleep time can vary depending on consumption patterns, activity levels, and psychiatric conditions. Some people even need to sleep up to 11 or 12 hours to feel the optimal freshness of the body. Besides that, without realizing it change in sleep time can also make you accustomed to falling asleep too short or too long.

SSS conditions are not experienced by everyone because this condition tends to be rare when compared to sleep disorders. Doctors distinguish SSS and sleep disorders by asking about activity patterns. Some people also tend to endure drowsiness during the day with a short sleep time, but this is still dangerous for health.

Sleep times that are too short can be triggered by a number of conditions including:

  • Changes in work time (shift)
  • Psychiatric pressure
  • Having chronic disease
  • The habit of consuming caffeine
  • Consumption of alcohol or excessive smoking
  • Take drugs that contain simultaneous drugs such as cocaine and amphetamines

If you have the same characteristics as above and / or experience sleep disorders, that means you don't experience SSS and may need it improvement in sleep patterns.


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Short Sleeper Phenomenon: Sleeping for a moment but can be fresh fit
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