Sweet Food, Not Make It Happy Even Depression. How come?


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Who doesn't like sweet food? Sweet foods are also commonly relied on as a solace food. Many people feel moodit's better after eating lots of sugar in sweet foods. Contrary to the beliefs of some people, actually eating lots of sugar can make you more depressed and experience other mental disorders. Do not believe? See the following explanation to find out the answer.

Eating too much sugar can make your mental state unstable

Believe it or not, the sweet foods you consume every day can trigger mental disorders, you know. This is evidenced from a study published in the journal Scientific Report. In this study it was mentioned if people who eat a lot of sugar or use sugar excessively in their food, tend to experience depression and anxiety syndrome.

The study involving more than 10,000 participants aged 35-55 years recorded the sugar consumption of study participants in one day. Then, it was found that groups of people who consumed an average of 67 grams of sugar, equivalent to 5-6 tablespoons per day, tended to experience mental disorders.

This is known when the group of people have eaten a lot of sugar for more than 5 years. In the study, groups of participants tended to be more prone to depression, anxiety disorders, and volatile emotions, than those who consumed a small amount of sugar.

Why does eating lots of sugar cause mental disorders?

Maybe eating sweet foods occasionally can indeed improve your mood and happy heart. However, experts say that eating lots of sugar can actually cause problems in the brain, making mental disorders.

Actually, sugar has effects like alcohol and cigarettes, which can cause addiction. This happens due to the hormone dopamine or the pleasure hormone produced by the body. So when you eat sugar, your body produces this hormone and eventually your body wants you to eat again - so that happy hormones are produced again.

Now, when you start to get addicted and the hormone dopamine is produced more by the body, the response that is generated is the opposite. Mood You get easier up and down. Indeed, addiction and disorder mood has been known to have a close connection.

Plus, sugar is known to increase inflammation in the cells in your body. This is also what is suspected of causing depression.

prevent diabetes for people who like sweet foods

Then, how much sugar should you consume every day?

According to the Ministry of Health, the maximum amount of sugar consumption recommended for healthy adults (no disease such as diabetes, stroke, etc.) in one day is around five tablespoons, equivalent to 50 grams. Try not to exceed this number in one day, noting how much sugar you use when making a cup of tea or coffee.

Not only does it make you easily depressed, but you can also make your pants and clothes no longer fit due to a distended stomach and stretched waist circumference. The risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease is even higher. Therefore, from now on avoid eating lots of sugar.

Sweet Food, Not Make It Happy Even Depression. How come?
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