The Difference between Narcissistic and Narcissistic Personality Disorder


Medical Video: What is the Difference Between Pathological Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

Narcissism is one of the popular terms often expressed by young people to describe someone who is too confident and proud of themselves, especially, those who are hobbies selfie excessive and display photos of his collection on various social media accounts.

Is it really that simple?

The origin of the word narcissist

Narcissism was first popularized by renowned psychologist, Sigmund Freud, to explain the personality of a person who pursues recognition from others towards the selfish admiration and pride of his personal characteristics.

The term narcissism is rooted in Greek mythical character Narcissus. Narcissus was greatly affected by his love of himself and was condemned to love his own shadow in the pool. He accidentally stuck out his hand to reach for his reflection until it sank.

Narcissism, or what is now more often called narcissism, is also considered a cultural and social problem. Many experts consider narcissism to be one of the three main characteristics of personality disorders (the other two are psychopathy and machiavellianism). However, it should also be understood that narcissism is not the same as egocentrism.

The difference is narcissistic confidently?

The difference between self-confidence and narcissism is evident from the personal and social level. Confidence is different from narcissism because in people who are confident, this self quality is built on the successes and achievements that have been achieved, life skills that have been mastered, principles and norms that are held firm, and caring shown to others. Conversely, narcissism is often based on the fear of failure or fear of showing self-weakness, attention that wants to be addressed only to oneself, an unhealthy drive to always be the best, and a sense of discomfort that is embedded in the mind towards self-disability.

Narcissism encourages jealousy and unhealthy competition, while self-esteem values ​​compassion and cooperation. Narcissism refers to dominance, while self-confidence recognizes equality. Narcissism involves pride, self-confidence reflects humility. People who are narcissistic (in the real sense of the word, not a term of modern play) cannot appreciate criticism, while those who are confident will increasingly improve themselves when given constructive criticism. Narcissists will try hard to bring down their opponents in order to outperform others. People who are full of confidence will respect each of their opponents as humans.

The environment has a big role in fostering self-confidence and narcissism. Terror management theorist, Dr. Sheldon Solomon, explained that true self-confidence is social construction, because the value standards held firmly by the community to judge themselves are rooted in following social standards. These standards can provide a variety of ways for people to feel good about themselves, or vice versa, instead promoting false hopes that can ultimately destroy self-confidence.

Then, what is narcissistic personality disorder?

Narcissistic personality disorder is owned by 1% of the world's population.

Although the characteristics of narcissism are owned by some people, a very high level of narcissism can foster a pathological personality in the form of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).

People who have NPD usually show arrogant behavior, lack of empathy for others, and the need for praise, all of which are seen consistently in the work environment and social relationships. People with this condition are often described as arrogant, selfish, manipulative, and fond of demanding something. Narcissistic personality disorder allows the person to focus on results that are beyond reason (for example, fame) and feel strongly that they are entitled to special treatment from those around them.

Many experts use criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) journal to diagnose various mental conditions. Here are a number of characteristics of narcissistic personality disorder based on a journal published by the American Psychiatric Association:

  • Having excessive self-interest.
  • Expect to be recognized as someone superior, even without guaranteed achievements.
  • Exaggerating talents and achievements.
  • Busy with fantasies about success, strength, intelligence, physical perfection, or as a perfect life partner.
  • Believing that he is superior and can only be understood by people who are of equal height or special.
  • Requires constant praise every time.
  • Feeling entitled to everything.
  • Expect special treatment from everyone.
  • Take advantage of others to get what they want.
  • Having inability or unwillingness to acknowledge the needs and feelings of others.
  • Jealous and jealous of others, while believing that other people are jealous of themselves.
  • Arrogant and arrogant.

Although some of the characteristics above can be seen as the quality of self-confidence, these two things are not the same. The characteristics of NPD people cross the line from healthy self-confidence, giving rise to the idea that you are invincible and putting yourself above others.

Selfie hobbies are not narcissism

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the selfie hobby is not one of the important characteristics of building personality disorders, including narcissistic disorders.

No medical research has been able to prove that selfie shows signs and symptoms of certain psychiatric illnesses.


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The Difference between Narcissistic and Narcissistic Personality Disorder
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