This Is The Result If Ear Infection Is Not Treated Until Healed


Medical Video: Ear Problems & Infections : How to Drain Inner Ear Infection

Ear infections can happen to anyone. This infection occurs when fluid in the ear is filled with bacteria or viruses. As a result, you will feel pain, fever, and a very uncomfortable sensation in the ear. Well, treating ear infections is certainly very important. However, you have to handle ear infections until they are completely healed. If the treatment is not complete, there is a new problem that can appear in your ear. What are the effects of ear infections on health if not treated until healed?

1. The infection gets worse

ear insect infestation

Treating ears is not just to relieve pain. Often, if you are not sick, you think that means you have recovered. The use of drugs was stopped. Don't get me wrong, you should make sure the infection is completely healed or not.

The reason is, when you ignore your ear infection that has not fully healed it can cause more infections that get worse and more painful.

The effect of ear infections can even spread to other parts of the ear. One of the most common is mastoiditis. This is an infection that occurs in the ear bone called the mastoid.

If this bone has been infected, this infection can move again to other parts including the head. In the head, ear infections that are not treated thoroughly can cause meningitis, which is inflammation of the lining of the brain.

2. Rupture of the eardrum

headache behind the ear

If your ear infection is not treated properly, this can increase the risk of eardrum rupture. Fluid from an infected ear that forms can push the eardrum which limits the middle ear to the outside.

This liquid is a mixture of pus and blood. This fluid can push the eardrum stronger and over time can tear it. When the eardrum is torn, the pus mixed with blood will flow out of the ear.

3. Missing hearing

overcome ringing ears

Don't mess with ear infections, hearing loss can also be one of the effects of ear infections that aren't treated until healed.

Reporting from Livestrong, people who experience recurrent ear infections, and continuously due to not being treated properly, can also increase the risk of hearing loss. Especially this can occur in children. This hearing loss usually occurs in the short term or temporary.

However, if the fluid from an infected ear is trapped for several months, it also has the potential to permanently damage the condition of the eardrum and nearby ear bones. If this is permanently damaged, the ear can become deaf.

Children who suffer from hearing loss due to prolonged ear infections can experience delays in speech and language.

4. Facial paralysis

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Facial paralysis is a condition of loss of ability to move the face due to nerve damage. As a result of damaged nerves, facial muscles will weaken can not be moved. This can occur on one side of the face or both sides.

There are many factors that cause this condition, one of which is middle ear infection or damage to the ear. Middle ear infections can interfere with one of the facial nerves that are near the middle ear. As a result this can affect muscle movements in the face.

5. Meniere's disease

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Meniere's disease is a disorder that occurs in the inner ear. The exact cause of meniere is unknown, but scientists suspect this is caused by changes in the amount of fluid in the inner ear tube.

If there is an increase in fluid in the middle ear due to infection, this also has the potential to cause Meniere's disease. People who experience Meniere will experience vertigo, ringing in their ears, reduced balance, headaches, and hearing loss.

This Is The Result If Ear Infection Is Not Treated Until Healed
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