Various Things That Can Make Nails Wavy (Maybe You Have Anemia)



Nails are a reflection of your health. Just a little change in appearance on the nail may be a clue that you need to see a doctor Especially if the changes that arise are the appearance of waves or bumps on the surface of the nail. Corrugated nails are generally harmless, but you still need to be aware. So, what's the cause?

There are two types of wavy nails

Vertical wavy nails. Source: Medical News Today

Based on the direction of the wave, the type of wavy nails is divided in two: vertical and horizontal wavy nails.

Vertical wavy nails are the most common with age, and are usually harmless. This type of wavy nail may be due to variations in the replacement of nail cells.

While if your nails change color or have waves in a horizontal direction, you should consult a doctor. This type may indicate certain health problems.

What causes wavy nails?

Skin conditions such as eczema can cause the nails to become bumpy. Dry skin can also cause nails to become bumpy. If your body lacks protein, calcium, zinc, or vitamin A, it can also cause wavy nails.

In addition, there are still some things or conditions that cause your nails to wavy.

Causes of vertical wavy nails

Nails are wavy vertically and concave. Source: Healthline

Nails can change with age. Nails can become thicker or thinner, not smooth anymore, begin to split and there is a gap, and easily broken.

Nails may also begin to form a number of vertical waves as they grow. These waves from the tip of the nail to the cuticle, which are sometimes referred to as longitudinal striations or bands.

In addition, some conditions can also cause vertical wavy nails, namely:

  • Iron deficiency anemia causes the nails to become concave or spoon shaped.
  • Splinter bleeding, this is a small blood clot in the nail that can cause vertical discoloration of the nail.
  • Trachyonychia, waves of the nail may be accompanied by a change in color or your nails become rough or brittle.
  • Peripheral vascular disease
  • Rheumatoid arthritis

Causes of wavy nails horizontally

source: Gluten Free Works

The Beau line is a horizontal wave in the nail. Horizontal waves are often a sign of an underlying condition that requires diagnosis and treatment. In some cases, nails can stop growing until this condition is treated.

Beau's line may be a sign of acute kidney disease, diabetes, or thyroid disease. Beau's line can also appear in people who have undergone chemotherapy. People who have mumps or syphilis can also get horizontal waves in their nails.

Other causes


Indigestion that affects the absorption of nutrients can also cause changes in nails.

Crohn's disease, celiac disease, and ulcerative colitis are examples of digestive disorders that can interfere with the process of absorption of nutrients to make the nails wavy.


Injuries such as nails hit by heavy books can cause bruising, which can cause reddish brown patches under the nails. This will disappear gradually as the nail grows.

If these nail changes occur without injury, this may be a sign of something more serious.

Dark brown, purple, or red spots under the nail may be signs of a serious condition, such as melanoma or endocarditis

Various Things That Can Make Nails Wavy (Maybe You Have Anemia)
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