Various Ways to Overcome Swollen Fingers, According to the Causes


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The causes of swollen fingers are quite numerous, ranging from mild ones such as insect bites or dislocations to the consequences of serious health problems - for example nail fungus infections, rheumatism, gout, bursitis, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Changes in extreme body temperature, accumulation of salt in the body, and disorders of certain hormones can also cause swollen fingers.

Swollen fingers can be overcome in many ways. However, you also need to pay attention to other symptoms that arise. Are your fingers swollen too? Feel pain or heat? Or is it numb or tingling? Is it difficult to move? Does the lump appear, the joint marks swell?

Various ways to deal with swollen fingers, according to the cause

1. Compress cold water

Swollen fingers don't really need special medication, because they usually disappear by themselves. One of the common treatments for deflate swelling is to put a cold compress on the swollen finger. It can also stop swelling and pain in your fingers.

Cold temperatures can stimulate narrowing of blood vessels to slow blood flow leading to the site of injury. Decreased blood flow will cause a reduction in inflammatory trigger substances that move towards the location of the injury so that it can reduce swelling and pain.

Cold compress your swollen fingers for 10-15 minutes, but not more than 20 minutes for 1 session. Wrap the compress first with a towel so that the cold does not touch the skin directly. If you want to repeat, pause for 10 minutes before starting to compress again.

2. Movement of your fingers

If your fingers are swollen due to poor circulation, tension, or fluid retention, try to train your fingers to reduce swelling. Finger stretches can smooth blood flow and relieve muscle tension around the swollen area.

Other treatments

  • If you wear a ring, remove the ring.
  • A low sodium diet can help reduce swelling.
  • Drink plenty of fluids to help prevent swelling caused by dehydration.
  • Keep your skin cool in a hot environment.

Overcome swollen fingers due to injury

During the first 24 hours after injury, do not use your injured fingers / toes or wrists / feet if possible. Elastic bandages can help reduce swelling. Bandages will also remind you to rest your injured hand or wrist.

Talk to your doctor if you think you need to use a splint or bandage for more than 48 to 72 hours.

Gently massage or rub the area to relieve pain and encourage blood flow. Do not massage the injured area if it causes pain.

During the first 48 hours after an injury, avoid things that can increase swelling, such as hot baths, hot baths, or alcoholic beverages.

After 48-72 hours and swelling is gone, use a hot compress and start the finger movements gently to help restore and maintain flexibility. Some experts recommend alternating hot and cold compresses.

Overcome swollen fingers due to infection

Swollen fingers due to infections caused by bacteria will usually be treated with antibiotics and medical treatment.

The doctor may cut and slice the wound. Sometimes they may need to have an operation to make sure all infections are removed. However, treatment of swollen fingers due to infection varies from person to person depending on the severity.

Various Ways to Overcome Swollen Fingers, According to the Causes
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