What Is the Right Solution for Lime and Soy Sauce Overcome Cough?



The solution of lime juice mixed with sweet soy sauce has become a hereditary recipe for overcoming stubborn coughs. But actually what is contained in this solution so that it is believed to be effective in healing the itchy throat? Check out what the medical world says about this one herbal remedy.

Overview of the cause of cough

Coughing is a natural reflex of the body's protective system that arises when the airways behind the esophagus are irritated. This irritation triggers the lungs to expel air with high pressure. Coughing helps cleanse the lungs and airways from foreign substances, such as smoke and mucus.

In addition, coughing is generally a symptom of a viral or bacterial infection, as well as an allergic reaction. With coughing, it means that the body works to remove viruses and allergies from your lungs.

Then, is it really a powerful solution of lime and soy sauce to treat coughing?

Lime is widely used as one of the herbal medicinal ingredients because the fruit has a latin nameCitrus aurantifolia it contains essential oils and various substances that can relax the muscles in the respiratory tract. Lime is also efficacious as a febrifuge and overcomes hoarseness due to itchy throat, which may be another symptom that follows coughing.

However, reported by Kompas, pharmaceutical expert Prof. Dr. Sumali Wiryowidagdo, M.Si, Apt. confirms that the solution of lime and soy sauce is actually does not cure cough itself - whether it's a virus or bacteria. This solution is only useful for relieving symptoms, as mentioned above.

Sumali continued, adding soy sauce to orange juice is only useful to reduce the acidity of lime juice. Basically, soy sauce does not have certain benefits for coughing and other respiratory disorders.

Lime juice can also be mixed with honey to relieve coughing

In addition to soy sauce, James Steckelberg M.D., a doctor from Mayo Medical School stated that lime juice can be combined with honey to relieve cough symptoms. Because, some studies say that the sweet taste in honey can trigger the production of saliva and mucus to moisturize the throat.

To make this herbal cough medicine, you can squeeze half a slice of lemon and mix with 100 ml of warm water. After mixing, pour 2 tablespoons of honey into it. Drink while warm to feel the benefits to your throat.

What can cure coughing?

You need medication to cure cough and other symptoms. Herbal medicine, whatever its form, is only a support for maintaining health, restoring disease, alleviating symptoms, or reducing the risk of illness - not to cure. Because the root causes of symptoms must first be eradicated so that all complaints can be completely cured.

The type of cough medicine you use will depend on what causes the cough itself. If the cough is caused by a bacterial infection and germs, you can use prescription antibiotics from a doctor. If the cough and other symptoms are caused by a virus, the doctor can prescribe antiviral drugs, depending on the underlying condition.

The choice of medication will also depend on the symptoms of cough you experience. Expectorant and mucolytic cough medicines (bromhexine) are used to treat phlegm coughs, while antitussive cough medicines are used to treat dry coughs. Therefore, consult with your doctor first about your health condition.

You can buy cough medicine at a nearby stall or pharmacy without having to redeem a recipe.

What Is the Right Solution for Lime and Soy Sauce Overcome Cough?
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