Adjusting Your Sleep Time With Your Partner Can Be A Harmonious Household Key


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Having the same sleep pattern with a partner, both hours to sleep and wake up, is not easy. One study reported that many marriages collapsed due to lack of intimacy and quality time together, one of which was due to different hours of sleep in the couple. That is why you need to equate the hours of sleep with your partner, both when you want to sleep and when you wake up. Why?

Causes of differences in the number of couples sleeping

In fact, most married couples (couples) no longer sleep at the same time with their spouse since three to four years after marriage. This is usually caused by various activities that are still carried out at bedtime, such as playing cellphones, watching TV, or busy continuing work from the office.

Another reason is that you and your partner have different sleep patterns. For example, evening person who is married to morning person. Intent of evening person are people who tend to be more active at night. While morning person more productive in the morning.

Benefits of having the same hours of sleep as a partner

1. Maximize kelonan (cuddling) with a partner

Sleeping at the same time is also the key for you to get the benefits of kelonan (cuddling) with a partner. You will feel comfortable in your partner's arms so you feel more loved. This physical closeness, even without having sex, can trigger the production of the hormone oxytocin which reduces stress and increases sexual desire.

2. Talk from heart to heart

Committing to achieving the same hours of sleep opens up your opportunity to talk heart to heartto establish emotional and physical closeness. At this time, you and your partner can discuss many things from heart to heart, for example about relationships, future, work plans, or about family and friends.

Quality talks like this certainly can not be done if you are both busy doing daily activities, for example when you cook and couples are helping children dress.

This method can encourage couples to be able to express feelings positively with each other. Well, take some time 15 minutes before going to bed to strengthen your relationship and understand each other.

3. Add intimacy

Having hours of sleep together makes a woman have mood better in the morning. The reason is, women tend to be more sensitive and sensitive to household affairs. Few women feel uncomfortable in the household, it will affect their lives with the couple as a whole.

By having the same hours of sleep, women will feel accompanied, not lonely, and automatically away from conflict. Thus, relationships with partners become more intimate and harmonious.

married is still a wet dream

How do you have the same hours of sleep as your partner?

Matching hours of sleep with a partner is indeed not easy. You can't change your long-established sleep patterns in an instant. This all requires a process, so there's no need to force yourself and hurry up. The following tips can help you and your partner to adjust the hours of sleep.

  • Make a commitment with your partner to sleep and wake up at the same time, at least a few days a week. Don't forget to put on a sleep and wake up alarm to start your habits.
  • Avoid things that disrupt your business, such as the habit of checking your cellphone or watching TV before going to bed.
  • Perform a routine before going to bed together such as brushing your teeth, storytelling for children, and other preparations.

Strengthen your commitment and your partner to discuss each other about the benefits that can be obtained by applying the same hours of sleep. Remember the goal to be achieved, which is to have a harmonious home life and away from conflict.

Adjusting Your Sleep Time With Your Partner Can Be A Harmonious Household Key
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