Difficulty Feeding Children, Should Vitamin Supplements be Given?


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It is not uncommon for a mother to get dizzy and anxious when her child starts having difficulty eating. All methods must be done by the mother so that the little one wants to eat and stay awake. One of them, providing supplements for children so that your child does not lack nutrients and hopes to increase his appetite. Actually, how much is it necessary to supplement the child when the child is having trouble eating?

Children have difficulty eating, do you need supplements?

Actually, if your child has good and healthy eating habits, a child does not need a supplement so that all his nutritional needs are met. Usually, children with good nutritional status tend not to pick and choose food and instead consume a variety of foods. This makes children get a variety of nutrients, so they do not need supplements in addition.

However, if the child is having trouble eating and it has been a few weeks since the food intake is not good, then maybe your child needs additional supplements to keep the nutrients awake. Yes, in this case supplements play a role to prevent your child from experiencing health problems due to certain malnutrition.

Before giving supplements to children, make sure that you have consulted with your doctor first. Some things you need to pay attention to when giving supplements to children, namely:

  • Make sure that the supplements you choose are safe and get marketing authorization from BPOM.
  • Ask your doctor or nutritionist how many vitamins and minerals you really need.
  • Give supplements in accordance with the doctor's advice and stay away from the pack from the reach of the little one.
  • Tell your child that the supplement is a medicine, not just candy that tastes sweet and can be consumed continuously.

You can also consult a doctor regarding supplements that can help increase your child's appetite. That way, nutrition is maintained and your child will want to eat again as usual.

child no appetite

Don't forget, supplements are not the main food

There may be a mother who has fallen asleep with a vitamin supplement that she gives to children. Some think that this is enough to replace vitamins that should be obtained from food, so it doesn't matter if your child doesn't want to eat according to their needs.

In fact, this is certainly not true. Supplements are still the substances they should be do not need to be given to healthy children. Remember that supplements are only complementary and as a precaution so that your child does not experience certain nutritional deficiencies. All vitamins and minerals should be obtained from food. Although children's supplements are made from natural ingredients, nothing can beat the natural vitamins and minerals from food.

So, the thing you need to think about is how your little one can return to appetite and the intake will improve, so you don't need to take supplements. Here's what you can do to get it back to appetite:

  • Modify the food menu for your little one, make the food look as unique and interesting as possible.
  • Give foods that are high and nutrient-dense, thus preventing nutrient deficiencies.
  • Give your child more varied food. It is possible, the child is having trouble eating because he is bored.
  • Invite your child to play outdoors, make sure that your little one is active. This will help stimulate his appetite again.
Difficulty Feeding Children, Should Vitamin Supplements be Given?
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