When Reducing Salt, Are We Going to Iodine Deficiency?


Medical Video: Use Iodine to Boost Your Thyroid

He said, eating too much salt can increase the risk of various chronic diseases. However, the salt also contains iodine which is needed by the body. Then whether limiting salt eating makes someone lack iodine? Is iodine deficiency dangerous? How to prevent iodine deficiency in addition to consuming iodized salt?

Salt, one way to meet the iodine needs

Does the salt you use currently contain iodine? Yes, the addition of iodine is deliberately done - even a government program - to reduce the incidence of iodine deficiency in Indonesia.

Although needed only in small amounts, iodine plays an important role in maintaining normal body function. Iodine itself is responsible for the production of thyroid hormones in the body. Thyroid hormone is a hormone that serves to help metabolism and affect the growth and development of children.

Therefore, someone who is experiencing iodine deficiency will cause several medical conditions such as:

  • Goiter, swelling of the thyroid gland (in Indonesia famous for goiter).
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Complications of pregnancy
  • Development and growth of children is disrupted

Then, can limiting salt consumption make us less iodine?

Although salt is relied upon as the main source of iodine, it doesn't mean you can consume it in large quantities. Actually the need for iodine per day is around 120 mcg (for children aged 1-12 years) up to 150 mcg (> than 12 years).

In just a quarter teaspoon of salt, you can get iodine as much as 71 mcg. The amount of iodine already fulfills half of your iodine needs per day. so, you don't need to eat too much salt to meet those needs. Instead, you limit eating salt so you don't get a variety of chronic diseases.

In healthy people, the World Health Organization recommends only consuming salt at a maximum of 1 teaspoon per day - even better if it is less than that number. Moreover, for those of you who experience hypertension, kidney disease, and some heart dysfunction, you should stop eating excessive amounts of salt. Because, the more you consume gara, the more it will affect your health condition.

Besides salt, where can I get iodine?

Don't also be anxious and worried if you have a certain medical condition that requires you to limit or not even be advised to eat salt at all. Not that you will lose your iodine source. indeed, iodine is mostly obtained from salt, but you can also find it in several other food sources such as:

  • Milk and other dairy products, such as yogurt and cheese
  • Various kinds of sea fish, such as tuna, salmon, code.
  • Various types of shellfish
  • Other sources of animal protein, such as beef, chicken eggs, chicken meat and beans.

The most important thing is that you often consume various types of food - not just one food. because then, the more diverse your food is, the more nutrients you can get. But remember, don't overdo it, still according to your body's needs.

When Reducing Salt, Are We Going to Iodine Deficiency?
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