Why Are Some People Right and Can Be Healed?


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Have you ever met someone who was talkative when surprised? Usually people who suffer from this disorder will respond to their shock with certain body movements or mention certain spontaneous words. The severity will vary for each person. Then, what exactly is meant by latah? Can this habit be stopped? Find out the reviews below.

Is that talkative?

Latah or in foreign terms is called the term jumping frenchmen of maine is a very rare disorder characterized by a shock reaction that is quite extreme. The term was first discovered in the late 19th century in Maine, the United States and Quebec, Canada by neuroscientists, Dr. George Miller Beard. This condition occurs among isolated Canadian fishing populations.

A talkative person will show an unexpected reaction when he feels shocked. Someone who experiences it can show an unusual overreaction. Starting from repeating certain words, jumping, screaming, hitting, until throwing something.

This response occurs very quickly, naturally, and accidentally or is planned in advance on the stimulus that causes it. Sufferers are unable to control their own conditions so sometimes the words that come out are unpredictable, can even contain dirty words. This condition usually starts after puberty or during adolescence.

Talkative type

There are several types of talk that usually occur, namely:

  • Repetition of certain words or phrases (echolalia). For example, "Come off, eh, come off!"
  • Make or mimic certain body movements (ecopraxia).
  • Say indecent words or phrases (coprolalia).
  • Follow directions or move according to the orders of the shocking person, for example run or hit.

The cause of the talk

One theory states that this disorder occurs in response to extreme conditions for something that is influenced by cultural factors. However, so far there have been no medical studies and explanations that support the causes of this disorder. However, this condition is often associated with neuropsychiatric disorders. This is due to the shock of the talkative person being considered excessive and unnatural.

Genetic and environmental factors are also said to contribute to this disorder. Another theory states that this condition is caused by somatic neurological disorders. Somatic disorders are caused by gene mutations that occur after conception and are not inherited from parents or passed on to children. The influence of culture is also allegedly able to influence the severity. However, further research is needed to determine the specific causes of this disorder.

shocked to cause death

What are the factors that can influence talk?

In some cases, younger people tend to experience more frequent and severe talk. In fact, many cases show intensity and severity will decrease with age. The intensity of response can also be influenced by a person's physical condition such as fatigue, stress, or in an emotionally unstable condition.

This disorder can affect the sufferers' daily lives. Often people who experience this condition are provoked continuously kelatahannya because it is considered funny and entertaining. In fact, this can increase the frequency and severity of the condition and in no way help those who are talkative.

In addition, people who constantly talk about will also experience severe fatigue if everyone they meet provokes the disturbance.

Can it be "cured"?

Basically there is no special therapy for people who are talkative. The best way to reduce the reaction is not to surprise people who have this disorder. This condition will decrease in severity with age.

However, if this condition really disturbs you, you can consult a therapist or doctor to control yourself at certain times.

Why Are Some People Right and Can Be Healed?
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