9 Ways to Overcome Pain and Heat in the Vagina


Medical Video: Stop Vaginal Itching and Burning with Home Remedies

Do you often complain of vaginal pain and experiencing severe pain? This condition in medical language is called vulvodynia, which is pain, pain, itching, or heat in the vulva or the area around the vagina.

For some women, vulvodynia makes chronic pain that is quite troublesome which has an impact on the ability to have sex, ride a bicycle, use sanitary napkins, sit for a long time, and when wearing tight pants. So, how do you deal with the pain around the vagina? Read on to find out about the treatment of vulvodynia in this article.

Causes of vulvodynia

Keep in mind, until now doctors have not known the exact cause of vulvodynia. However, reproductive health experts say that vulvodynia is not transmitted by sexual intercourse, nor is it a sign of cancer. That is why, the causes of this condition are still being studied.

But there are several factors that can play a role in making vaginal pain and pain, including:

  • Nerve injury or irritation in the area around the vulva
  • Vaginal infection
  • Local skin allergy or hypersensitivity
  • Hormonal changes

Treatment of vulvodynia to relieve vaginal aches and pains

Vulvodynia is difficult to treat because there are no identifiable causes. Even so, there are still several treatments available to relieve pain symptoms from this condition. In addition, the treatments offered to each woman may vary. So don't be surprised, if there are women who may take weeks or even months to carry out this treatment. These treatment options include:

1. Medicine

Some painkillers such as steroids, tricyclic antidepressants or anticonvulsants can help reduce chronic pain. In addition, antihistamine drugs can also reduce itching in the area around the vagina.

2. Biofeedback therapy

Therapy biofeedback is a therapy that can help reduce pain by teaching patients to control the body's response to certain stimuli. The purpose of biofeedback is to help patients relax so as to reduce the pain sensation.

For patients who experience pain in the vagina, therapy biofeedback can teach patients how to relax tense pelvic muscles because they interact with chronic pain. So patients are expected to be able to anticipate pain so that they don't feel chronic pain by strengthening their pelvic floor.

3. Local anesthesia

Medications, such as lidocaine ointment can provide temporary relief to relieve symptoms. Your doctor may recommend the use of lidocaine 30 minutes before intercourse to reduce discomfort. If you use lidocaine ointment, your partner may also experience temporary numbness after sexual contact.

4. Nerve block

Treatment for women who have experienced pain in the vagina for a long time and does not improve after making several treatment options mentioned above, you can do a local nerve block injection. Consult your doctor first before taking this action.

5. Pelvic floor therapy

Generally women who experience vulvodynia have problems with the pelvic floor muscles. Pelvic floor muscles are muscles that support the uterus, bladder and intestines. Exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles can help relieve pain around the vagina caused by vulvodynia.

6. Acupuncture

According to a recent study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, acupuncture may be effective in helping to reduce vulvodynia pain and improve sexual function.

7. Psychotherapy

Excessive stress and severe pain due to feeling pain in the vagina, for some women will have an impact on how he processes the pain in his brain. So one of the goals of psychotherapy is to reduce the severity of pain and reduce the impact of pain. Especially to improve sexual relations.

According to a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, psychotherapy turned out to be an effective way to reduce sexual pain or improve female sexual function.

8. Operation

Surgery is the last choice if various treatments are no longer effective to relieve pain in the vaginal area. In cases where the affected area involves a small area (local vulvodynia, vulva vestibulitis), surgery to remove the affected skin and tissue can reduce pain in some women. The surgical procedure is known as the vestibulectomy.

9. Home care

In addition to the treatments described above, vulvodynia treatment can also be done at home to reduce symptoms or prevent symptoms of relapse again. Here is the treatment of vulvodynia that you can do at home, namely:

  • Wear detergent that suits the doctor's recommendations and does not irritate.
  • Wear cotton underwear.
  • Do not use feminine cleansing soap, sanitary napkins, tampons, or even contraceptive creams that contain perfume or hard chemicals.
  • Use pants and clothes that are loose and not tight (don't use stockings).
  • Try to keep the vulva area clean and dry.
  • Avoid swimming in swimming pools that contain lots of chlorine.
  • Wash the vagina with warm water.
  • Do Kegel exercises.
9 Ways to Overcome Pain and Heat in the Vagina
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