Why Are There Big Breasts Like Breasts?


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Most men will answer "breasts" as one - or two - their favorite objects. Until one day they found a pair of new breasts growing on their chest.

Big-breasted men generally don't need to worry about anything. This condition is also not always eternal. This is what you should know about big breasts in men.

Large breasted men are caused by imbalance of sex hormones

Some men have enlarged breast tissue. In the medical world, this condition is called gynecomastia. Maybe you've heard people call it "man boobs" Gynecomastia is a benign growth of tissue as a result of an imbalance of sex hormones: estrogen and testosterone.

Men have a small amount of estrogen in their bodies, just like women who have a small amount of testosterone in their bodies. But, when the amount of estrogen in a man's body soars compared to his testosterone levels, this condition can cause breast tissue to swell.

Seventy percent of boys have this condition during puberty, according to WebMD. Although it is usually harmless, gynecomastia can be associated with psychological problems (shame and decreased self-esteem) to a number of health conditions, including substance abuse, certain diseases, and the use of several drugs.

In addition to boys of puberty, gynecomastia is also seen in newborn boys (due to the effects of their mother's estrogen) and is common among men older than 50, according to Live Science. This condition can be seen in one or both breasts, and tissue growth often occurs unevenly.

When gynecomastia develops, it may be painful, or it can be accompanied by softening of the breast area, pain or discharge from one or both nipples. In most cases, this breast enlargement will disappear on its own after a few weeks or months, although treatment can be used for gynecomastia conditions that last longer.

What causes big-breasted men?

Gynecomastia is not caused by extra fat deposits from being overweight. This is caused by additional breast tissue. There is another condition, called pseudogynecomastia, where fat buildup occurs in the chest, which is sometimes associated with being overweight or obese. Men who are very obese can have elevated estrogen levels, which can cause their breast tissue to grow. You will not be able to feel solid tissue, only fat. The main feature is that both sides of a man's breasts are equally affected and sway to follow your movements when you are walking or running.

Middle-aged and older men can also have enlarged breast tissue, which can be caused by aging (shifting hormone levels) or for other reasons, including:

1. Side effects of drugs

A report from the journal Opinion on Drug Safety estimates that drugs - prescription, recreational, and illegal - such as antibiotics, heart medications, anti-anxiety drugs, AIDS treatment, tricyclic antidepressants, chemotherapy, and drugs that treat stomach acid cause at least 25 percent of cases of gynecomastia. This is because the ingredients in certain drugs can interfere with your hormonal balance enough to fill your breasts.

Marijuana, heroin and alcohol have also been linked to the incidence of large-breasted men. The use of anabolic steroids (common among bodybuilders) is the most commonly associated with gynecomastia.

Other drugs that have been cited as triggers for gynecomastia include anti-androgens used to treat prostate cancer, calcium channel blockers, and ulcer drugs such as cimetidine.

Herbal products containing tea tree oil or lavender oil can also increase breast size. That's because they have natural estrogen which can interfere with your body's normal hormone levels.

2. Certain diseases

Sometimes, large breasts in men can be a side effect of other health problems other than obesity, such as hyperactive thyroid disorders (hyperthyroidism), kidney disease, or tumors in one of the glands that control your hormones.

Gynecomastia has been associated with conditions that ruffle the production of body hormones such as Klinefelter syndrome, liver disease, and pituitary insufficiency. Testicular tumors and trauma or infection of the testis can cause large-breasted men, as well as radiation therapy to the testicles. Cirrhosis of the liver - often seen among people who abuse alcohol - can change hormone levels and cause gynecomastia.

The cause of gynecomastia is not always clear. So, it's always better to check with an ordinary doctor or an endocrinologist, a specialist in hormonal imbalances.

What can be done to treat this condition?

The doctor will try to get rid of other causes of male breast enlargement, such as:

  • Cyst
  • Lipoma - a benign tumor of body fat
  • Mastitis - inflammation of breast tissue
  • Breast cancer - gynecomastia is rarely caused by breast cancer
  • Hematoma - frozen blood swelling
  • Metastasis - cancer that has spread
  • Fat necrosis - lump due to damage to breast fat tissue
  • Hamartoma - growth of benign tumor-like tissue

If gynecomastia seems to be caused by medication, your doctor may recommend switching to a different drug, stopping the dose, or continuing to use it. If the length of the drug dose is not long, this condition will be temporary.

In almost every case of gynecomastia, tissue swelling will recede on its own without any treatment as hormone levels return to normal. It's important for doctors to explain this to their patients. Adolescents who have this condition for no apparent reason will be advised to make regular appointments to see if breast augmentation abates by itself.

If the condition does not disappear within a few years, causing embarrassment, pain and / or pain, treatment may be needed. Treatment for gynecomastia is rare, and may use one of two choices: drugs such as hormone therapy to block the effects of estrogen, or breast reduction and liposuction surgery. Tissue removal surgery is intended to produce permanent results, so you must continue to live a healthy lifestyle to maintain your new body shape in top shape. Drastic weight gain, using steroids, or using drugs that affect your testosterone levels can cause the condition of a large-breasted man to recur.


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Why Are There Big Breasts Like Breasts?
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