7 Healthy Snack Choices that Are Right to Accompany You to Watch Movies


Medical Video: Lesson 4: Healthy Food Choices & Snack Choices for Teens: A Day In the Life of Some Busy Teenagers

A packet of popcorn will certainly not detach from your hand when watching a favorite movie. Yes, it feels like something is missing when you watch a movie without snacking on something. But be careful, careless snacks can adversely affect your health, you know! So what healthy snacks are suitable for consumption when watching a movie? Check out the full review below.

1. Popcorn without butter

Popcorn is one of the healthiest snacks for you to choose when watching a movie. Popcorn contains a number of antioxidants that can help ward off cancer and heart disease. In addition, popcorn is also packed with fiber that is good for your health.

However, avoid additional toppings butter (butter) and salt. Because, these two ingredients can increase the intake of calories, carbohydrates, and sodium which can increase the risk of obesity, hypertension, and heart disease.

Small popcorn without any topping contains around 200 calories, 22 grams of carbohydrates, 11 grams of fat, 1 gram of saturated fat, and 190 milligrams of sodium. Therefore, compensate for eating popcorn by increasing drinking water to neutralize the body.

2. Fruit salad

Want to snack healthy without fear of fat? Just choose a fruit salad. The reason is, fruits contain natural sugars called fructose. Fructose is a type of sugar that is more easily broken down in the body.

Reporting from Livestrong, in one bowl of fruit salad consisting of 50 grams of banana, 50 grams of melon, 50 grams of blueberries, and 50 grams of apples you can get 1 gram of protein, 3 grams of fiber, 300 milligrams of potassium, 30 milligrams of vitamin C and 70 vitamin A. micogram

The USDA reports that the content of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in fresh fruit can reduce the risk of cancer, obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

3. Yogurt

Another healthy snack that is suitable for consumption when watching a movie is yogurt. Unlike ice cream, the composition of yogurt tends to be lighter and contains probiotics (good bacteria) which is certainly beneficial for the health of the body, especially the digestive system.

Try making your own fresh-made yogurt snack. It's easy, mix 50 grams of chopped strawberries, teh teaspoon of vanilla extract, and 170 grams of yogurt plain. Well, now you can consume healthy snacks as a friend to watch a movie.

4. Cereals

Cereals are very suitable for consumption when watching a movie. Because, this one healthy snack contains wheat rich in fiber and B vitamins that can help nourish the digestive system and make it full longer.

Choose cereals that are low in sugar, fat, and salt. Some examples of cereals that you can choose are wheat cereal biscuits or oat porridge. Research shows that high-fiber diets can help reduce the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

However, some cereals on the market contain enough fat and sugar. Therefore, do not forget to always check the nutritional information located on the food label to ensure its content.

5. Vegetable creations

Rather than choosing potato chips that contain more salt, it's better to choose vegetable menu creations. You can not only consume vegetables as the main menu, you know! Because, vegetables are also no less suitable to accompany the activity of watching your movie.

Make the vegetable creation menu that you like as simple as possible. For example, cut some carrots and celery, then add a little low-fat sauce like peanut sauce. Another example of the menu is sauteed spinach leaves with olive oil and garlic, then put in a cup of bread. Bake with oven until done. Spinach sandwiches are also ready to accompany your movie watching activities.

6. Soup broth

Broth soup is identical to food for sick people. Eits, wait a minute. Broth soup can also be an alternative healthy snack to fill an empty stomach while watching a movie. Consuming vegetable soup, for example, can help improve your mood so that you will enjoy the flow of the movie you are watching.

7. Snacks from soybeans

Soybeans are very dense foods with a myriad of nutrients, even though they are only consumed in small amounts. Snacking with soy-based snacks is one of the healthiest and easiest ways to increase your daily intake with various important nutrients for the body.

In 50 grams of roasted soybeans there are 194 calories, 9.3 grams of fat, 17 grams of protein, and 14.1 grams of carbohydrates. In addition, soy-based products are the only food source that provides essential amino acids that are good for the body. So, don't be surprised if this soy-based snack is suitable to accompany you while watching a movie.

So, what healthy snacks would you choose to watch a movie later?

7 Healthy Snack Choices that Are Right to Accompany You to Watch Movies
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