Why Do I Often Have Digestive Disorders During Menstruation and How to Overcome It?


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Diarrhea is one of the digestive disorders during menstruation that is often complained of. A specialist in internal medicine and digestive system from the Cleveland Clinic in the United States, Dr. Jamile Wakim Fleming said that 50 percent of women experience some digestive disorders when menstruation arrives or even before. The most common complaints are diarrhea, constipation, and stomach upset. So, why can menstruation cause disruption in the digestive system? Find out the answer below.

Why can menstruation cause indigestion?

In addition to cramps and abdominal pain, diarrhea is one of the conditions that are often complained of during menstruation. This is associated with prostaglandins, which are chemicals that cause the uterus to continue to contract. Well, prostaglandin will also trigger contractions in the intestine.

The production of prostaglandins in the body generally increases close to the menstrual period, so the uterus can more effectively encourage blood to come out. Unfortunately, prostaglandin can also trigger diarrhea which causes you to go back and forth to the bathroom more often.

In addition to diarrhea, prostaglandin can also cause other pain associated with dysmenorrhea (pain during menstruation). Prostaglandin-induced cramps and diarrhea usually occur on the first three days of your period.

Another cause is the progesterone hormone. Increased levels of progesterone in the body before menstruation can affect the gastrointestinal system by speeding up or slowing down digestion. This is because bowel movements can change with different hormone levels. Therefore, not only is diarrhea a complaint but also constipation or constipation can be a quite disturbing menstrual effect.

Dr. Christine Greves, an obstetrician at the Center for Obstetrics and Gynecology at Orlando Health, Florida said that women who have endometriosis are more at risk of developing constipation. Diarrhea, constipation, stomach upset, and nausea can also occur a week before menstruation comes.

How do you deal with digestive disorders during menstruation?

1. Take diarrhea medication

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If your period is regular, try taking antidiarrheal medication when PMS symptoms such as diarrhea appear (even if your period has not arrived). Remember, the use of drugs should only be consumed when you experience symptoms of diarrhea that are quite severe and frequent. If diarrhea that occurs only occasionally and does not interfere with your activities, then you do not need to take any type of drug.

2. Drink plenty of water

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Try to maintain body fluid balance by drinking lots of water. In addition, consume foods high in fiber to facilitate digestion and reduce symptoms of diarrhea during menstruation. However, if you experience constipation, avoid high-fiber foods because it can cause stools to become more dense and difficult to remove.

3. Take probiotics

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To overcome digestive disorders during menstruation, eating foods and drinks that contain probiotics such as yogurt can be the solution. The good bacteria contained in probiotics can help balance excessive intestinal contractions that are the cause of diarrhea and constipation.

4. Increase your intake of vitamin B6 or calcium (if it is recommended by a doctor)

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Taking supplements of vitamin B6 or calcium when PMS appears can also reduce indigestion during menstruation. In addition, you can also take ibuprofen before menstruation arrives. This is intended to overcome various PMS symptoms, including menstrual pain.

However, each drug or supplement that you will consume must be consulted with your doctor first. In addition, if diarrhea and constipation occur accompanied by bleeding bowel movements and other symptoms, you may have certain more serious diseases. Check with your doctor immediately to get the right diagnosis and treatment.

Why Do I Often Have Digestive Disorders During Menstruation and How to Overcome It?
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