12 Ways to Get Rid of Cellulite in the Body


Medical Video: Cellulite exercises: How to reduce cellulite with exercise

Cellulite is the fat under your skin that appears on the surface of the skin. Its appearance makes your skin look bumpy, because cellulite encourages your connective tissue. Cellulite is often seen in your thighs, buttocks or stomach. This is normal, but if you feel disturbed, there are ways to get rid of cellulite in the body to make it look more vague.

Various ways to eliminate cellulite in the body

Here are some ways to get rid of cellulite that you can try:

1. Sports

Sports is one way to get rid of cellulite naturally. Exercise does not make cellulite disappear immediately, but it will make you have strong muscles under the cellulite area to make your skin look evener. Try doing these three sets: healthy diet, short exercise, and muscle formation.

2. Increase fiber intake

Eat more fiber, such as wheat, fruit, and vegetables, than "empty" calorie foods. Simple or processed carbohydrates found in many breads, sweets and soft drinks can add calories. This causes fat, especially in areas prone to cellulite.

3. Lose weight

Skinny or fat, you can have cellulite, but excess weight can make it more visible. If you are overweight, losing weight can help. We recommend that you slowly lose weight.

Diets that reduce body weight drastically can make cellulite look worse. If you lose a lot of weight, you might see cellulite in the area of ​​your skin that is sagging. Ask your doctor about safe and healthy ways to lose weight.

4. Stop smoking

Smoking affects the blood supply to your skin, making it thinner and maybe sagging. This makes cellulite in the arms, thighs, and buttocks more visible. Therefore, quitting smoking is a natural way to get rid of cellulite that you can try.

For those of you active smokers, quitting smoking is indeed difficult to do. However, don't make this your biggest obstacle. In addition to helping to disguise cellulite in the body, this method can also improve your overall health.

5. Massage

Spend a few minutes each day massaging the cellulite parts. Do it when in the bathroom or when you apply moisturizer. Massage increases blood flow and removes excess fluid, which can make cellulite appear fainter for a while.

6. Use cream of retinol

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When you are looking for the right cream to get rid of cellulite in the body, look for one that contains retinol. Retinol does not cure cellulite, but can improve the appearance and texture of your skin. You need to use it for at least 6 months, and products with 0.3 percent retinol are the best. Retinol will strengthen the outer layer of your skin to help cover the bumpy area underneath.

However, before using this drug, it's a good idea to consult a doctor first to ensure safety.

7. Darken the skin

If you have very white skin, darken skin tone (tanning) can help disguise cellulite. Cellulite will not be too visible on darker skin. Start by applying it scrub special soft body, then apply lotion self-tanning to the cellulite area only. Then spray your entire body with coloring spray. Do not tanning by sunbathing. This will damage your skin and make cellulite look worse.

8. Wear it support stocking

Support stocking modern doesn't look thick and loose like your grandmother wore first. If you use it often, your cellulite will look smoother. The problem is, it usually takes one to two years! Stocking compression can help prevent cellulite from storing fluids. Your doctor or pharmacist can help you choose the right type.

9. Pamper yourself with spa wrap

You can use it spa wrap to tighten and smooth your skin. The effect lasts about one day, and the costs vary. A body shape or Ace bandage will wrap around your cellulite zone and may be able to provide spa results that don't cost a lot.

10. Lipomassage

Lipomassage is a procedure using a device to collect your skin and do a massage. This expensive treatment has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States or equivalent to the POM Agency in Indonesia, and requires several treatments to get the results. However, the benefits tend to not last long unless you do it repeatedly.

11. Laser and radio frequency

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Laser or radio frequency (RF) can warm your skin from the outside, making the cellulite surface appear smoother, usually for six months or more. Not too painful, but it can be very expensive, and you may need several visits.

12. Cellulaze operation

This operation handles cellulite directly at the source. A laser enters under the skin to shrink fat cells, cuts the hard parts that cause cellulite clots, and stimulates thick skin. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States or equivalent to the POM Agency in Indonesia approved Cellulaze in 2012 based on a small study that lasted three months.

The results can last a year or more, but the long-term effects of Cellulaze are unknown. Make sure you see a certified plastic surgeon for this procedure. Cellulaze may not work well if you have excess weight or severe cellulite. Ask your doctor for more detailed information.

12 Ways to Get Rid of Cellulite in the Body
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