15 Benefits of Salt Other than Cuisine (Can Make Clean-Up, Why!)


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One of the complementary ingredients that is almost never released from cooking is salt. But, who would have thought the benefits of salt could also be a versatile household cleaner!

What are the benefits of salt as a household cleaner?

Here are some benefits of salt for cleaning furniture around the house.

1. Clean the flower vase

After the flower series has withered, sometimes the former sedimentary water flowers can leave a trail of dull marks on the bottom of the vase which is unsightly. How: Rub salt into the entire inner wall of the vase, then wash with soapy water. If your hands do not fit inside, fill the vase with salt water, shake it clean or rub with a bottle brush, then rinse thoroughly.

2. Cleaning furniture

Rattan woven furniture can be weathered and yellow if left annual in the sun and pollution. To maintain the durability of your woven furniture, rub with a stiff brush that has been dipped in warm salt water first. Then, dry it in the sun. Do this once a year or once every two years.

You can also apply the method above to maintain the age of wood furniture that has spilled sauce or hot water. To lift glass dew marks on the surface of wooden furniture, mix pasta from 1 tsp salt and a drop of two drops of water. Rub the stained wooden furniture surface around the circle of glass marks with a soft washcloth or dishwashing sponge until the marks disappear. Cover your wood furniture with new polish.

3. Clean the carpet

Sometimes, food stains like gravy, coffee, or red wine, can be left stubborn on the carpet no matter how hard we have rubbed it. Here's how to clean stains on the carpet with salt:

  • Spill soup or stew: Cover the stain spill with salt. This serves to prevent stains from seeping in all directions. Then, follow the instructions for cleaning the carpet according to the instructions.
  • Oil spill: Racik salt and alcohol solution with a ratio of 1: 4. Dip a clean cloth in the solution and rub the stain of the used oil firmly by following the direction of the fur of the carpet. Then rinse with water.
  • Red wine spill: Quickly wipe and dry the remaining red wine that is still pooling on the carpet, and sprinkle the area of ​​the carpet stained with salt. Let stand 15 minutes. The salt will then turn pink, because it absorbs the remaining liquid in the carpet fibers. After that, rub the remaining stain with a solution of 1/3 cup of white vinegar and 2/3 of water.

4. Clean coffee stains and tea in cups

Your favorite coffee cup will quickly change color, and can be permanent, if you don't know how to treat it. Try cleaning the cup with this one trick: Make a paste mixture from a drop of dish soap mixed with salt. Wash the glass as usual, and dry it. If the stain is stubborn, mix white vinegar with salt in a ratio of 1: 1, and rub the cup with a sponge.

5. Get rid of the musty smell in shoes

Sneakers and canvas can eventually emit an unpleasant aroma if constantly used without ever being washed, especially if you have never used socks when wearing it. Get rid of the embarrassing shoe smell by sprinkling a little salt on the soles in your shoes.

7. Clean the Teflon (skillet cast-iron)

Iron teflon will be easily damaged if you contaminate it with water. Here's how to clean the correct iron Teflon: After cooking, pour ¼ cup of salt into the pan that is still hot and rub with a stiff wire brush. Wipe clean, then coat the pan with mijek oil or vegetable oil before storing it again. But, do not clean the nonstick frying method this way because the wire brush can scratch the layer.

8. Clean the refrigerator

The benefits of salt are not only to spice up the food you store in the refrigerator, but also to clean the refrigerator itself. After removing the entire refrigerator, mix a handful of salt in 3.5 liters of warm water. Use a sponge dipped in salt water to clean the inside of the refrigerator. This salt water solution is not hard, so it won't scratch the refrigerator layer.

9. Prevent splashes of cooking oil

For most households, there is no more sinister situation than war zones other than fighting avoiding oil splashes when frying food. And sometimes, this splash of evidence of war is printed clearly on the kitchen wall and the surface of the stove. Next time, add a small amount of salt to the cooking oil in the pan before you start frying vulnerable foods squeeze.

10. Scrape rust

Items made of iron do not escape from the rusty reluctance. To fix this, dip a clean washcloth into a lime juice solution and a pinch of salt, then rub it right in the rusty area.

11. Clean the iron plate iron

No matter how painfully you iron the clothes, sometimes there is clothing residue that melts and sticks stubbornly on the iron surface. Here you can harvest one more benefit of salt as a household cleaning tool. First, heat the iron. Hold a piece of newsprint on the ironing board and sprinkle salt on it. Then, rub the hot iron over the salt until the dirt stuck to the iron is completely eroded.

12. Clean food stains on clothes

Oil or sauce stains on clothes can sometimes be difficult to remove. The solution, sprinkle salt on the stain to absorb the remaining oil and prevent stains from seeping in all directions. Arriving at home, wash clothes as usual.

13. Remove yellow sweat stains in the armpit

Yellow stain in the armpit is not an eye-catching sight. To overcome this, dissolve 4 tablespoons of salt in 1 liter of hot water. Soak the clothes in salt water and leave for a while until the stain rises.

14. Prevent parasites from growing wilder

Parasols that grow wild in the yard can be very difficult to eradicate. But you can use salt to overcome this. Dissolve 1 cup of salt in 1 cup of water, and boil. Then pour the hot salt water just above the parasite to eradicate it. Alternatively, just sprinkle salt right on top of the parasite or weeds that grow between the rocks or the patio of your yard. Flush with water or wait for the rain to fall.

15. Cleanses drainage from clogged hair

Drains that are clogged with foam shampoo, soap, and hair loss are not only disgusting, but over time can inundate your bathroom if it's not cleaned properly. The solution, dissolve 1 cup of salt and 1 cup of baking soda in 1/2 cup of vinegar, then pour the solution just above the lump of garbage. Wait 10 minutes, then flush with 2 liters of hot water. Open the water tap until the water can flow freely.

15 Benefits of Salt Other than Cuisine (Can Make Clean-Up, Why!)
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