3 Reasons Why You Often Urinate After Drinking Coffee


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Maybe you are one of the many people who always start the day with a cup of coffee or tea in the morning. Or you might just drink coffee occasionally. But, do you feel more frequent urinating or urinating after drinking a cup of coffee? If yes, you are not alone.

As we know, coffee and tea contain quite high caffeine. Indeed, every brand of coffee and tea has a different caffeine content. However, it is estimated that a cup of coffee contains at least 95 mg of caffeine and 26 mg of caffeine in tea. If you drink coffee two or three times a day, this exceeds the recommended consumption of caffeine in a day. According to The American Academy of Pediatric, adults are only encouraged to consume 100 mg of caffeine per day. Whereas children are not allowed to drink coffee at all.

Then what is the relationship between coffee and urination?

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Caffeine is not only in coffee

Caffeine is not only contained in coffee and tea. Most energy drinks and some soft drink brands also have caffeine in them. According to the Food and Drug Administration, caffeine is classified as a drug and additives in food.

In the medical world, caffeine is often used to treat fatigue, anxiety, and reduce pain. Caffeine is safe for consumption, even consumed for a long time, but must be in the appropriate dosage. But because caffeine is already contained in a variety of foods and drinks, one can consume excessive amounts of caffeine.

Excessive consumption of caffeine will certainly cause various health problems including insomnia, fatigue, abdominal pain, muscle tremors, heart palpitations, constant thirst, diarrhea and high blood pressure. This condition of excess caffeine usually occurs in people who consume caffeine more than 400 mg per day.

Even when you consume caffeine in a reasonable amount, caffeine will make you go to the bathroom more often because you want to urinate. If you become frequent urination when or after consuming coffee, tea, or drinks that contain caffeine, that is normal. Caffeine is indeed called a diuretic substance, a substance that makes the kidneys expel more fluids.

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Why does caffeine make you urinate frequently?

A study reported in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Diet states that consuming caffeine as much as 250 to 300 mg can increase the amount of urine until a few days later. Why drinking caffeine causes urination to become more frequent? How can caffeine increase urine production?

1. Increases blood volume in the renal system

As a simultaneous, caffeine will increase heart activity and accelerate blood flow if it enters the body. This increased activity causes the heart to beat or beat faster and increase blood pressure. All blood pressure increases, including blood pressure in the renal system - a system that regulates urine output - and results in increased blood volume.

Basically, the main function of the kidney is filtering the blood and removing excess fluid in the body. Because the volume of blood flowing in the kidneys increases due to the consumption of caffeine, the blood filtered increases and eventually produces a lot of urine.

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2. Caffeine blocks the absorption of sodium and water in the kidneys

Apart from filtering blood, the kidneys are also responsible for maintaining the balance of sodium and water in the body. If the amount of sodium is not balanced in the body, it will cause various disorders of body cell function. In this case, caffeine inhibits the absorption of sodium and water in the kidneys.

Water absorbed back by the kidneys is actually done to maintain the body's condition so that it is not short of water. But if this is hampered, it will cause too much water to be wasted and eventually you will feel like continuing to pee.

3. Caffeine relaxes the bladder muscle

Consumption of caffeine that is too often turns out to affect the muscle strength of the bladder. The bladder is a place to store urine in the body before being released. The bladder muscle will react when the bladder is full and eventually stimulates the brain to cause a sense of urination.

In people who consume caffeine too often, caffeine causes the bladder muscles to weaken. This makes the bladder unable to hold too much fluid in it. So that causes you to urinate more often.

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3 Reasons Why You Often Urinate After Drinking Coffee
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