3 These Benefits Will Make You Want To Eat Tomatoes More Often


Medical Video: 9 Reasons Why You Should Be Eating More Tomatoes

Do you like tomatoes? Or maybe tomato processed products? If your answer is yes, you should keep the thing you like. Foods that resemble the heart chambers are believed to have many ingredients that have a positive impact on health. Curious? Here are some benefits of tomatoes for your health.

Benefits of tomatoes for health

The status of tomatoes as a fruit or vegetable is indeed still a confusion and the answers you get will even vary depending on who you ask. As reported by National Geographic, taking into account its existence in the taxation law the cost of imported goods, tomatoes are included in the type of vegetables. However, based on the way tomatoes grow, different answers will likely get you if you ask a herbalist.

But of course this status certainly does not affect the benefits of tomatoes for health.

1. Heart health

Not only the shape that resembles a heart, the content that tomatoes have is also able to maintain heart health. Some of the content that is owned by tomatoes and is believed to have a positive impact on heart health, including:

Lycopene. Based on a review of several studies published in Current Medicinal Chemistry, there is a positive relationship between lycopene and heart health. The characteristic of lycopene to fat is believed to be able to overcome the damage of fat bonds in the blood and control excessive levels of fat in the blood, which can trigger the condition of blood vessel obstruction (atherosclerosis). Some studies also show that lycopene has the ability to reduce levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the body.

Beta carotene. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition revealed that men with high consumption of beta carotene were able to reduce their chances of developing metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a disorder of your body's metabolic processes which is characterized by high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high blood sugar levels and a large waist circumference.

Vitamin C. A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition to 100,000 participants successfully revealed that, high levels of vitamin C in blood plasma can reduce a person's chances of experiencing heart disease.

2. Bone health

Lycopene, in addition to having a positive impact on heart health, is also beneficial for bone health. A study published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research successfully revealed that high levels of lycopene in tomatoes can reduce a person's chance of having a broken bone. So it can be concluded that one of the benefits of tomato is that it can prevent the development of osteoporosis in a person's body.

3. Eye health

The presence of beta carotene in tomatoes, besides providing benefits for tomatoes for heart health, is also able to maintain the health of your eyes. This is because when ingested, beta carotene will turn into vitamin A. Moreover, tomatoes that also contain vitamin A make tomatoes increasingly rich in vitamin A.

The benefits of tomatoes are supported by a study conducted by the Linus Pauling Institute which revealed that vitamin A-rich foods can increase retinal productivity, especially in poor lighting and in interpreting colors and improving eye development.

3 These Benefits Will Make You Want To Eat Tomatoes More Often
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