If Diagnosed with Prediabetes Will Become Diabetes?


Medical Video: Dr. Oz on How to Stop Prediabetes Before It Starts

Is your blood sugar level always above normal? Maybe you are worried about developing diabetes. But, it could be that you have just experienced prediabetes, a condition that is usually experienced before diabetes approaches.

Then, do you have diabetes if you have prediabetes? Can prediabetes be cured? Is the treatment the same as diabetes? See the following explanation.

After prediabetes, is it certain that you have diabetes?

Prediabetes is a condition in which blood sugar levels are above normal, but not as high as diabetics, so it cannot be said to have diabetes.

Normally, fasting blood sugar levels in healthy people are less than 100 mg / dl. Meanwhile, if you have prediabetes, your blood sugar levels will be more than that, which is equal to 100-125 mg / dl. Now, if your blood sugar is above 125 mg / dl, then you have diabetes. "

Yes, even though both are characterized by high sugar levels, prediabetes can still be cured. That is, people with this condition will not always get diabetes. You could say that prediabetes is a warning for those of you who experience it. Because, a little more, you can get diabetes, a disease that has no cure.

risk factors for diabetes

How do I know I have prediabetes?

Similar to diabetes, in addition to high blood sugar levels, this condition is characterized by symptoms and signs such as:

  •      Often feel thirsty
  •      Urinate more often
  •      Feel tired
  •      Suddenly blurred vision

If indeed you experience these symptoms, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Because, if your condition is still in the prediabetes stage, you can still prevent it from getting diabetes.

Is the prediabetes drug the same as diabetes?

Although prediabetes is the initial stage before diabetes, these two conditions are handled differently.

If you already have diabetes, then you are obliged to take blood sugar control drugs. Meanwhile, if you have just been diagnosed with prediabetes, you do not really need drugs to control blood sugar levels. You can still prevent it by applying a healthy lifestyle.

However, it does not rule out the possibility that you should take certain drugs to reduce blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels - if you are at high risk of developing diabetes.

Then what should I do to avoid diabetes?

Because it is still in a 'warning' condition, you can still do a number of things to prevent diabetes from happening, such as:

1. Lose weight

If you have excessive weight, the condition of the prediabetes you experience is very likely to turn into diabetes. Therefore, you should make your body weight ideal for getting away from the risk of diabetes. Reducing weight by 5-10% has been shown to reduce the risk of diabetes in people who have prediabetes.

2. Regulate diet

Don't wait for diabetes before you change your diet. If you don't want to get diabetes, then you have to manage and choose food well. Avoid sweet foods, such as candy, cakes, sugar, or honey.

Conversely, adding portions of fruits, vegetables, and foods that contain high fiber. In addition to making blood sugar levels more controlled, regulating portions and choosing the right foods, can also make your body weight ideal.

Also reduce the use of sugar in daily food and drinks. Replace with other sweeteners that are healthier and lower in calories, to keep your weight from rising, and blood sugar to remain stable.

3. Leave a sedentary lifestyle

Sedentary lifestyle, aka lack of movement, will only make the risk of diabetes is getting higher. Therefore, from now on you must get used to regular physical activity.

To get started, you don't need to go straight into a strenuous exercise, starting from the easy ones such as relaxing walks around the house. You can also ride or swim. Make sure that at least you exercise for 30 minutes in one day.

4. Stop smoking

Are you an active smoker? Stop smoking, if you don't want to have diabetes. This habit will increase the risk of diabetes, not to mention the risk of other chronic diseases that lurk, such as heart disease and cancer.

5. Routine to see a doctor

To find out, if your blood sugar levels return to normal and your body is healthy, you should consult your doctor frequently. So, you can continue to monitor your health condition.

If Diagnosed with Prediabetes Will Become Diabetes?
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