Fat Body Due to Genetic Factors, How to Overcome It?


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Fat bodies are more often caused by unhealthy lifestyles, excessive intake, and rarely exercise. If you adhere to the principle of living like this, it does not take long to have a fat body. But, there are also those who are fat from being small. Some say this is caused by genetic factors. Is it true that fat bodies from childhood are indeed caused by genes? How to overcome obesity due to genes? Is it also a healthy lifestyle? See the following explanation.

In fact, fat bodies can also be caused by genetic factors

Yes, even though most obesity is caused by unhealthy eating patterns and sedentary lifestyles. In fact, it is very rare for obesity to be caused entirely by genetic factors. Genetic factors that cause obesity do exist, but cannot make a person directly overweight.

Experts reveal that family history and genetic factors, will not be enough to make obese bodies to obesity. This must be due to environmental factors.When someone is at risk or has a fat genetic factor in his body, then the environment supports it, then obesity will be very easy to occur and certainly does not require a long time.

Yes, environmental factors also cannot be underestimated. A report from the Harvard School of Public Health states that genetic factors only have a small risk to make someone obese. Meanwhile, the environment and food you consume daily, have a greater impact on making excessive weight.

How do I know if I have a fat body due to genetic factors?

It's a bit difficult if you want to find out if your obesity is related to genetic factors. To be sure, you must do a series of tests that can read the genes in your body.

However, it is easier for you to see your pedigree and family history, whether your family members tend to have excess weight, even when they are small. If so, maybe you have this innate gene in your body.

But, you should consult and discuss this with your doctor to find out more accurate answers.

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How do you deal with obese bodies due to genetic factors?

Usually, to overcome obesity, the first thing to do is to regulate and change lifestyle and diet first. A healthy lifestyle must still be applied, whatever the cause.

However, the doctor and the medical team will evaluate and see if this method can lose weight. If not, there are several things you can do to overcome obesity and most fat. For people who do not succeed in losing weight through lifestyle changes and diet, then medical measures such as surgery can be done to help overcome obesity.

There are special operations that are usually carried out when the application of a diet does not work. This operation is called bariatric surgery. There are various methods of this operation, from making the room in the stomach smaller so that you are easily full to lift up some digestive organs. However, all of them aim to make the body receive less food that comes in and use the existing fat stack instead.

Well, if you really want to lose weight and are interested in using this method, you should first consult your problem with the doctor who handles you.

Fat Body Due to Genetic Factors, How to Overcome It?
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