5 Because the appearance of heat sensation in the throat (plus how to treat it)


Medical Video: Heartburn, Acid Reflux, GERD-Mayo Clinic

Have you ever experienced a hot throat like burning? Most of these cases are usually because you have just consumed food or drinks that are too hot. But in addition, this discomfort in the throat can also be a symptom of a certain health condition. Actually, what are the diseases that are characterized by the appearance of a heat sensation and burning in the throat?

Is the condition of a hot throat dangerous?

The following are health conditions that are generally identical resulting in a hot throat.

1. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or gastric acid reflux disease

GERD complications

GERD or gastric acid reflux is a condition when stomach acid, which should be in the stomach, actually rises to the esophagus even reaching the throat. As a result, a burning sensation appears along your chest.

This condition can occur when the valve in the esophagus does not work properly. That is why gas and stomach acid can go back up. Sometimes, you may also be aware of sour or bitter taste in the mouth.

Other signs that accompany GERD are difficulty swallowing, chest pain, hoarseness, coughing, and sore throat. All of these things usually get worse when you are in a lying position.

2. Postnasal drip

itchy throat

The nose and throat have special mucus which is responsible for helping to keep the moisture inside while preventing dryness. Unfortunately, the amount of mucus in the nose and throat can exceed normal so that a mucus-like sensation appears behind the throat.

This will easily make you feel a hot throat because something is stuck in it. Easily, try to observe various symptoms that usually appear together such as dry or phlegm cough, runny nose, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, and bad breath.

Allergy to a bed or ingredient, and too cold weather can make you experience postnasal drip.

3. Hot mouth syndrome

cause of dry mouth

As the name implies, hot mouth syndrome is a medical term that describes a burning sensation in all parts of the mouth. Includes lips, gums, tongue and palate. Do not rule out the possibility, this heat sensation can spread to the throat.

Most people complain about it like there is hot water that flushes the throat. In fact, the cause may be due to a problem with the nerves or the condition of a dry mouth that feels like metal. This condition is usually increasingly clarified with the addition of unusual thirst and loss of appetite to eat food and drinks.

4. Virus infection

mucus causes

Almost all people generally have a viral infection that results in sore throats, itching, and burning. Especially when swallowing food and drinks, the disturbing feeling in the throat can get worse.

Most cases of viral infections usually lead to attacks of flu, runny nose, coughing, and even sore throat. If this is the case, later you can also experience high fever, aches all over your body, and swollen lymph nodes.

5. Peritonsillary abscess

white spots on the mouth

The problem of sore throat that is not treated immediately, can cause complications in the form of peritonsillary abscess. Peritonsillary abscess is a bacterial infection characterized by the appearance of pus-filled lumps near your tonsils (tonsils).

Therefore, over time the throat will experience swelling accompanied by the appearance of pain. If the peritonsillary abscess develops more severely, it can interfere with your breathing process. In addition, other symptoms that accompany it are difficulty opening the mouth too wide, pain when swallowing, fever, cold body heat, headache, and swollen neck.

How to treat it?

When the throat suddenly feels hot and sore, there are a number of things you can do to help treat it, such as:

  • Gargle with larvae of salt water
  • Eat lozenges
  • Consumption of warm or cold drinks or food. For example tea, soup, ice cream, pudding
  • Use humidifier as an enhancer of moisture in the air, to prevent the throat from feeling dry
  • Make sure you drink plenty of fluids

If the symptoms do not subside with this action, immediately consult a doctor further to find out what is the cause of the hot throat.

5 Because the appearance of heat sensation in the throat (plus how to treat it)
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