Overcoming Gastric Acid Disease in Older People


Medical Video: Heartburn, Acid Reflux, GERD-Mayo Clinic

Gastric acid is the most common digestive disorder. But among the many people who have the disorder, most are dominated by the elderly group. Yes, the more you age, the more you are at risk for stomach acid disorders. In addition, this disease can be a serious problem for the elderly. Then what distinguishes stomach acid that occurs in the elderly and adults?

What causes gastric acid in the elderly?

Gastric acid or in medical conditions is called Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition in which stomach acid rises to the throat due to weak throat valve muscles. This disorder can be caused by various things, but the elderly tend to be caused by several factors.

Elderly people with some chronic conditions have a higher risk of experiencing gastric acid disease. Most of them may take drugs to treat the symptoms of chronic illnesses, but the drug can cause the muscles of the throat valve to become saggy.

Increased body weight that often occurs in the elderly, can also cause stomach acid disease to occur. Fat that builds up in the stomach can suppress the stomach, thereby increasing the pressure in the digestive organs. This condition then causes stomach acid to rise into the throat.

What are the symptoms of stomach acid that can be experienced by the elderly?

Actually, the symptoms of gastric acid experienced by the elderly are not much different from stomach acid disease that occurs in adults. However, the elderly symptoms of acid reflux disease can be more severe and diverse. Here are some symptoms of stomach acid disease that can appear in the elderly:

  • Dry cough.
  • The voice becomes hoarse.
  • Feel like there is a lump (pile of food) in the throat
  • Difficulty swallowing, this results in reduced appetite and weight loss.
  • Breathless
  • Heartburn, a hot sensation in the pit of the stomach.
  • Having a chronic sore throat.

symptoms of stomach acid disease

How to deal with stomach acid in the elderly?

If you experience this, you should consult a doctor to get the right treatment. However, you can do the following to reduce the symptoms of stomach acid disorders that appear:

  • Avoid eating foods that trigger triggers for stomach acid, such as chocolate, oranges, tomatoes, vinegar, spicy foods, and high fat foods.
  • Avoid consuming drinks that contain caffeine such as coffee, tea, and soft drinks. This type of drink can cause the throat valve muscles to relax and increase the risk of increased stomach acid.
  • Try to eat foods in small portions but with frequent frequencies.
  • Do not go straight to sleep or lie down after eating. At least you have to wait three hours before going to sleep.
  • Sleep head position 15-20 cm higher than your body. This will prevent stomach acid from rising when you sleep.
  • Use clothes that are loose and comfortable. Avoid wearing tight clothing on the waist and abdomen.
  • You can take medications to help relieve stomach acid, which is a drug that contains antacids. However, it's best before you take the drug, discuss it with your doctor first.
Overcoming Gastric Acid Disease in Older People
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