7 Accurate Tricks To Be Easily Tempted To Eat Junk Food


Medical Video: What'll Happen If You Stop Eating Junk Food for 7 Days

What is good is usually the one that is not good for health. Have you heard words like this? Junk food like fried foods, snacks high in sugar and salt, and soda drinks do have a distinctive taste. However, do you know that all this time you have been fooled by companies junk food? Maybe you don't really want to eat junk food, but lulled by the intense promotion offered by the restaurant. Then how to stop eating junk food continue? Here's how.

Precise tactics stop eating junk food

You may already understand that you consume too much junk food means increasing the risk of various chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. That information is not enough to stop you from buying junk food? Relax, there are still seven ways below.

1. Don't buy a package menu

When buying junk food at fast food restaurants, you will be offered two choices. Buy a package menu or buy units only. If calculated, indeed the package menu will be cheaper. Even though you don't need all kinds of food and drinks in the package.

From now on make it a habit to buy a unit menu. Better soda is replaced with water only. You also don't really need an additional menu like fries or ice cream that is high in fat and calories.

2. Don't be fooled into advertising words

You can slowly stop eating junk food if you know that you've been tricked into advertising. Company junk food will use convincing-sounding words like "premium meat" and, "nutrient-rich". These words aren't necessarily true, you know. According to Brian Wansink, PhD, a consumer behavior researcher from Cornell University, people are easily trapped in ad words like that.

3. Always provide healthy food

You must be craving junk food if you are hungry or want to snack on something. So, prevent the desire to buy junk food by always providing healthy food near you. In the refrigerator, make sure there is always a stock of healthy food such as fresh chicken and vegetables, not sausages or nugget.

So is the case with the bag or in the office. Prepare healthy snacks like baked beans, fruits, and yogurt. You are also advised to bring healthy supplies from home to avoid tempting snacks junk food at lunch hour.

4. Find out the ingredients used to process junk food

If you see fried food on a wagon using used cooking oil, you will definitely undermine fried snacks. Same as if you know the type of BHA preservative used to preserve potatoes and packaged meat classified as carcinogens (cancer causes). The more you find out, the more you want to eat junk food.    

5. Deceiving yourself

A study in the 2013 Appetite journal showed that self-deception could be a powerful way to stop eating junk food. Study participants were asked to convince themselves that he was full and could still eat a few more hours when a healthy snack snack appeared. Apparently this method can make them lose their appetite.

6. Manage stress

During this time you might eat junk food because of stress or being emotional. For example, after a fight with a friend, you suddenly want to eat potato chips or snack meatballs to release emotions. Your reason might be, "Angry makes you hungry!"

So, stress management exercises can be the solution. Exercise, take deep breaths, meditate, or vent is a good choice for stress. That way, the brain will not directly lead to food when stressed.

7. Avoid food promo info junk food

As an internet and social media user, you are an easy target for entrepreneurs junk food. By opening a social media account, you can be presented with interesting promo info from fast food restaurants. Then comes the urge to buy junk food that is. So, limit the use of social media everyday and try not to follow fast food restaurant accounts that you like.

7 Accurate Tricks To Be Easily Tempted To Eat Junk Food
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